Hey guys I did a hardcore nuzlocke for super hard rom hack called kaizo emerald...

hey guys I did a hardcore nuzlocke for super hard rom hack called kaizo emerald. but when some of my mons died I didn't feel like training up new mons because that's boring. so I just used some cheat codes to hack in rare candies and I managed to beat the run. it was a really impressive nuzlocke run that few people have ever done so now i'm a better nuzlocker than all you guys lol.

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Cool now do clover user

It’s kind of funny to know that Jaiden’s nuzlockes more legit than PC’s.


i can’t that game is racist

... does it affect gameplay mechanics?

the EK PC patch is actually based though, I always use it when I'm playing


It affects the "video" part of a video game.

I don't see the issue, the game has a focus on battling. If you're doing a nuzlocke, your goal is to have Pokemon not die, so the smart way to play is level up on lower level wild Pokemon so you literally can't die against them. Instead of training for 6 hours to get to the level you need, just rare candy your Pokemon up so you can get to the actual game part of the game. If there's no risk of you dying during training, it literally doesn't affect the game. I'm doing a nuzlocke on X right now and Jesus Christ is grinding on level 20 wild Pokemon while I'm at level 33 unnecessarily tedious.

Usually when i do nuzlockes i typically just shelf the pokemon dying rule during grinding and will just battle until my whole team has fainted from struggle because its faster but if its me actually on my way thru a route to the next town and i fuck up and lose a mon then its dead cuz thats a genuine mistake

I might have to implement that. Basically the same as candying, I just don't get the stick up OPs ass.

yeah grinding is a waste of time. so when I start my ultra sun nuzlocke tomorrow I'm gonna give myself max money because grinding trainer battles is boring. i'll also just set all my pokemon immediately to level 100 because I could just grind low level pokemon to 100 anyways.

I dont think anyone REALLY cares about using rare candies its mostly just that specific youtuber being such an insufferable faggot in general now we're just nitpicking everything because well its Any Forums AND its a pokemon board

It's actually even less of an issue than you think
PC doesn't even grind on low level Pokemon, he does it through the Day Care - which has literally 0 risk at all but requires ages of running back and forwards
So he made a patch that sells Rare Candies in Mauville for the same price as 1 level in the Day Care to speed the whole process up.

based post user
PCniggers BTFO

the trade-off for using the daycare is that leveling up takes time versus the riskier method of grinding wild encounters. being able to buy rare candies takes away the con of using the daycare in the first place.
you see these kinds of trade-offs in video games literally all the time. and if you want to skip the leveling aspect in pokemon, why are you playing RPG's in the first place? go play Fortnite, CoD, or chess where victory is determined by skill.

timesink isn't a trade-off or a 'con', its literally just a timesink
the only people who defend this shit are people who have literally never played a game outside Pokemon before

with your logic playing single-player pokemon normally and nuzlockes in general are just a timesink then. you can theoretically grind to 100 with enough time. so just hack to make all your pokemon level 100 and steamroll every pokemon game then and complete every hardcore challenge.

Yes, because maxing immediately is the same as getting yourself to the level of the next boss/gym leader. I have over 60 days in RuneScape, I'm no stranger to grinding, but the only reason to fight wild Pokemon is to get xp, unlike something like RuneScape where there's a secondary benefit, there's no reason not to just candy up to a level cap if your focus is on battling, but I understand you're autistic, so you do you.

Fair enough, I don't mind Jan, but basically every internet personality is insufferable to a degree, so I just look past his arrogance to enjoy the content, i.e. the strategy he uses for difficult battles.

>Yes, because maxing immediately is the same as getting yourself to the level of the next boss/gym leader.
well hacking is still hacking even if you don't go overboard which your hacking