Why does America have the strongest currency?

Why does America have the strongest currency?

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it owns the printer and has military dominance over the globe

It's backed by the US military, with bases all around the world which enables global trade.

Practically, mainly the petrodollar. Most countries are forced to hold dollar to have energy for their militaries (military equipment is almost never electric); the US is threatening middle eastern countries to only accept dollar; Iraq and many others were threatening to not force purchases with the dollar before they were invaded (look it up).

the world is ridin with biden

Because if we fall, half the world loses its military defense.

It's more targeted than that. E.g. they constantly threaten middle eastern countries to force purchases of oil to be done only with the dollar. Iraq was invaded because of that and they also install oil companies in those countries that will make sure it goes that way.


Against whom?
There is realistically no worse fate then be occupied by the usa
t. lives in a usa occupied country

Israel is just a vassal state of the US; nazis are useful idiots; it's the other way around of "the US is controlled by Israel" because US wants the delusion of the facade that they're supposedly democratic and freedom fighters when they're just the next British empire.

>a vassal state attackes his master unpunished
>master fight for vassal

Saudis are obligated to sell their oil in US dollars. If it wasn't for them, USD would be worthless.

We're in an American forum so of course I'm only going to get the nazis replies. But it's pretty obvious Israel can do shit if you don't help it. You don't send it billions every year because you are morons; you send it billions every year because they are your vassal state against the middle eastern countries you threaten; did you forget the first thing you did after you invaded Sadam's Iraq was to force all purchases of oil to be done in USD?

>Against whom?
Against whoever would liberate you from daddy dollar.

which country user? and what would the alternative be and would it be better? genuine curiosity

america is the vassal state

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neonazis are useful idiots (or useful smart if they are American propagandists I guess). the US are not morons sending them billions every year.

they clearly use them as proxies to blackmail the middle eastern countries (mainly because of oil).

I'm pretty sure if you are not white, you do not benefit in a world run by European/US hegemony. Look no further to the long history where the US has provided preferential treatment to whites over other races, and it continues to do so today despite the woke propaganda.

It's obvious at this point. US hegemony is white hegemony. All must bow to the white race, while we pretend to be "diverse" and "multicultural". LGBT is a white ideology, it's mostly whites who are fags, but this is somehow supposed to be "diversity".

Not necessarily. E.g. the Democrats were bombing christian Serbs in the balkans in order to help muslim albanians.

It's probably because their objective there was divide and conquer (as many small countries out of Yogoslavia as possible).

Because they won WW2.

White has a specific meaning, Serbs are not officially white. You need to be from Western Europe to be American. If you are not of Western European ancestry, you will never be American, the society will only "pretend" to accept you but in reality you're just being used to pursue a pro-White domestic, foreign and global policy.

It's not. The top 5 are all in the middle east. Praise be to Allah

bullshit arguement go back to Any Forums with your woke crt nonsense. america is one of the few places in the world literally anyone can make it. sure non-whites are disadvantaged but it is more a result of their culture not their skin. whites have a leg up because of all the history of wealth building, education, blah blah blah. this "culture" if you will is passed to generation and gives white individuals a leg up. but nothing is stopping niggers from doing the same except themselves for acting like niggers

Are you an aznidentitycel or something?

If anything wh*Toids are so punked out and cucked by their "own" System that they've started unironically begging Daddy Putin or Xi to "save" them lmao

>jews vastly overrepresented in american political and financial institutions
>their home country coincidently receives 6 gorrilion dollars a year from amerigolem tax payers

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The north balkans are whiter than most of even France. How do you think the Turks aren't totally brown anymore? They were forcing Balkan women and small kids to their capital during their Empire.