My dad wants me to take over his house he bought 17 years ago

My dad wants me to take over his house he bought 17 years ago.
I can get a local or state government job and live out there but I still have 6 more month on my lease, I'll have to move over a few states to live there, and it's also out in the middle of nowhere.
I don't know what to do, should I take over the place or should I decline his offer. I don't have any gf or anything tying me toy current place, with the exception of my lease.

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Does he want you to pay for it?

Fuck that, fuck boomers don't trust them.

If he gave it to you for free it would be differant. Do you owe him anyting?

Definately sounds like a boomer dad scam. Don't fall for it. Are you going to pay for him when he's older? What if he gets old and senile, yet doesn't die till he's 100. You have to pay for the care homes and medical bills.

What if he doesn't go and just stays in his house, will you kick him out?

Someone's going

Not everyones boomer parents are kikes user, just most of them

The property will be in my name and the mortgage will be around 550 per month
>What if he doesn't go and just stays in his house, will you kick him out?
He has his own house that isn't this property he want me to take over, this won't be an issue.

Bad move, you going to a retirement home and Im assuming your young. young people need to travel to the big city grow as a person, be social, and become cultured. Once you have made the moneybags found a wife, then you move to the suburbs to raise children, then buy s homestead when you retire to live the rest of your life peacefully with your wealth.

Have them sell the house and get them to help put a down payment on a condo in a place where the action is both with jobs and people. where you live determines so much of how your life unfolds, dont skip to the end while your broke financially and socially. dont use wfh as an excuse either, you need to be around people your age with motivation, not some boonie boomer town living off church donations, the one diner, and the single traffic light covered in speed cameras.

sublease your current place?

No, have them give you the house and then sell.

I see your point user, I still am considering this place just because of the mortgage alone will be nearly half of what I am playing in rent currently. I don't have to much stuff going on in my life right now so moving would only set my wallet behind a bit.

Personally I would take it because you will never be able to score such a low mortgage the coming 5-10 years and the housing market will recover. Property value in the country side are increasing as companies are moving to remote work and cities are falling apart. Obviously you should be motivated to do this and not feel tied down ... but given your circumstances and the current market conditions i would take the offer granted the house will be under your name. You can always sell it. Sounds like your dad is trying to hook you up. Ignore the retards in this thread with obvious daddy issues.

this, take the fucking cheap house

If something's too good to be true, it usually is..

Fuck boomer dads,, you're being manipulated. Do not fall for it. He cares more for himself then you.

Seriously tell him to sell it for market, no one will buy. If it goes good for him. Tell him to keep it and pay for a care home himself.

No hold out for the old man to tip the fuck over and inherit it for free!

Jesus what the fuck, do not make deals with boomers. Let them fucking die

so many of you cunts have been hurt. Take the deal op, hold for 5 years and cash out to live in another country. Or if you're like me work, pay off the house, keep it as an asset, leverage it when opportune - not immediately could be 15 years down the line, continue working to fund another chapter of your life.

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Fuck the lease, just move and block your landlord phone number. Be a chad for once in your life. Added points if you go and kill your landlord, making the lease null and void


Yeah I'd take him up no it. Build up the property, get you a woman out there to pop out kids. Sounds comfy.

Thank you all, I will keep thinking about it at my office wage job tomorrow.
>Build up the property
I could put in a bathroom in the guesthouse instead of it being just a bedroom with a closet.
>get you a woman out there to pop out kids
Nah user, I can't get a chick in the city I probably won't in that town, maybe relationships aren't for me.

Jesus christ. Maybe you're just a hopeless loser. It probably doesn't matter what you do. You'll be a failure either way with that attitude .

What's the Zestimate of the house user? Does it have sentimental value for you?

If he's going to let you buy it under market rate and if you want to move to the area then do it. If he's giving you the market rate then maybe shop around a bit?

Also, if you think your dad is good with money, consider the fact that you'll inherit the money back one day anyway.

What state/town is the house in? I want to look on Google maps and see if it looks comfy.

Can you rent the house out for cashflow and stay where you are? That is a great first step in building a property portfolio.