Why can't I get it on binance ?

I'm a newfag in crypto and i don't understand why i can get almost all cryptos but i still can't buy any lunc on binance, isn't it available on this exchange (they say yes) or am i just a retard ?

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I cant wait for this shit to crash so you newfags stop shitting up the board

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retard here's the fucking link binance.com/en/trade/LUNC_BUSD

I'm in crypto since only one week but thanks anyway

if you're in the US then sorry charlie - binance.us doesn't list it (yet), maybe get a VPN and use OG binance

you can buy it on Kraken

Suck my dick faggot, see you at $1, where you'll grovel at my feet for me to crash these nuts into your mouth and shoot up inside just to give you something to eat for the day.

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Post hands

You have to either buy BUSD which is Binance stable coin and then trading pair for that or purchase BUSD then do the trading pair. No other trading pair of it exists like USDT or something

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Not happening.

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This, US chads can’t use binance for lunc. Sadly your options are Kraken, kucoin, and crypto.com


I don't understand why people choose to use virgin binance over vastly superior chad kucoin that hasn't cucked to globohomo kyc.

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I'd use Kucoin if the 'change password' function actually worked.

Not really an issue if you just use a unique randomly generated password for every different thing

buy buy buy

No, I mean I change it using their code, then try to log in (typing the new one accurately) and it says 'incorrect pw' again. Never even bought anything there, only managed to log in once.

So abandon the account and make a new one using a different email? The problem you're describing sounds like it could be an issue with the browser you're using and not a problem with kucoin itself

Oh maybe...OK, will try that, thanks.