For me, it's just a simple thin black sock wrapped around my cock. Ejaculate in the sock...

For me, it's just a simple thin black sock wrapped around my cock. Ejaculate in the sock, keep the sock on for 15 seconds and wipe the tip. Remove the sock then wrap a single tissue around the cock. Later on when the tissue is removed there will be small dried on bits of tissue around the head which feel nice peeling off.

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Imagine not just cumming on your sheets. Next day they will look clean anyways

Can you specify how long the tissue is left on?

Depends. Sometimes I forget it's on so when I go to the toilet. Once I forgot the sock was on and I went to work with it, whilst commuting it fell down my leg so I shuffled my leg and pulled it out of the bottom then put it in my pocket.

how do you keep the tissue in place?

It sticks there from the cum.

Thanks. Did anybody see that happen?
So you don't clean completely? Please use more detail when posting here

Thanks for the tissue idea user. I only started doing the sock thing a few months ago, it's a bit annoying because sometimes bits of fluff will get caught under my foreskin. But overall a good, streamlined procedure. Previously I would either just coom in my underpants or jump out of bed and go and coom in the toilet.

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I pull on a towel in the towel rack in the bathroom while imagining that its a woman's hair (no porn). I ejaculate on my left hand, wipe my hand and penis with tissue, wash my hand, and then wash my penis with soap and water. Its a drawn-out and tiring process but at least I feel clean afterwards. Don't you feel like a disgusting animal leaving dried bits of semen on your cock/clothing/bedsheets?

>small dried on bits of tissue around the head which feel nice peeling off.

Ugh what the fuck. Every time I cum into a tissue and lay there too long it gets stuck to the head and I feel like I'm going to fucking puke peeling it off. I only cured my phimosis a couple years ago (after 28 years of having it) so maybe I'm still just sensitive or something but I can't ever imagine it being pleasurable.

>he uses chink pressed and bleached wood
>he uses chink pressed and bleached wood on his sensitive orifices.

>simple thin black sock
Jesus, what the fuck man? You need some thick plush socks. Get a pair at Dollar Tree before you destroy your wang. Skip the paper; it's unnecessary and weird.

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For me, it walking into a grocery store, heading straight to the frozen food section where all the prepackaged goyslop resides, opening a door to a freezer, and busting the nastiest smelliest fart imaginable.
The cold temperatures keep the stank isolated to this one particular area of the aisle, and if anyone opens the door its a hearty frigid waft of meaty shit air.

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figured you were a wagecuck for that kind of low tier depravity

>a single tissue can fit around his dick
very small indeed.

I’ve never told anyone this but you anons deserve to know. Cum gloves.
Dollop of lube and a bit of spit in latex glove With the right hand technique feels as good or better than a blowjob. I don’t even chase pussy anymore I could happily cum in gloves the rest of my life.

But what coin do I buy?

Get help

What the fuck did I just reeeeeead?

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Unironically 2022 Silver 1oz Britannias. Picked up some yesterday, dealer was selling em by the tube ever since the news broke.

I'm creamping gf tonight. How does that make you feel?

>coom in my underpants or jump out of bed and go and coom in the toilet.
Dear God, I figured out using socks when I was 9

the whole neighborhood reeks of curry now, thanks asshole

i just do it right into the toilet, then flush it down done
dont need any tools but i am not american so w/e