Im listening to a drunk native lady on my train home talk very loudly about how XRP and stellar are going to make...

Im listening to a drunk native lady on my train home talk very loudly about how XRP and stellar are going to make everybody a fuck tonne of money.

do with this information what you will.

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i've got 700 xrp so i'm good

Mother in law in her late 70s asked me about crypto at the lake last weekend. She specifically asked about XLM and Xrp. Her and her husband were taking the puss a couple years ago toward Bitcoin at my expense, now she’s pretty radicalized and schizo. I feel like some specific outlet is pushing these two coins. I told her DYOR. I don’t discuss crypto

>I told her DYOR. I don’t discuss crypto

based autist

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Like a native Italian or something?

What the hell? I love XRP now!

The only legit schizo I know is also balls deep in XRP. Why the fuck does it attract some many loonies?

norm is overrated
was overrated

It's the modern day Iraqi dinar scam...
>When Iraq repegs their currency it will be 1:1 to the USD!!!!

>XRP to $40,000 when the elites decide to flip the switch!!!

I was waiting at a bus stop under the rain a few days ago and a homeless meth head pissing next my seat was constantly murmuring something about "vinu" and how it'll flip shib by next year or somethign along those lines. He then had a panic attack for no reason and sprayed me with some of his pee (it didn't enter my mouth it went straight on my jeans) and so he just ran away while barking.

Do with this anecdote what you will.

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did this really happen bros?

She's Satoshi Nakamoto.

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Absolutely user, it was very strange.


"native" is Canada-speak for aboriginal

As part of your commitment to truth and reconciliation you should sit your white ass down and listen.

any sort of olive branch extended to the native Americans other than packing up and leaving their continent is hypocritical and fake

the west came and genocided them and then took their land, land which was free and beautiful, and fuckied it up with cancerous houses and skyscrapers and industrial factories and cities (wounds upon the earth)

yes I am western and I know that self loathing is put upon us by the jew but the aboriginals had the correct way of living.

and I will add that Columbus was a jew and the invasion of America was a jewish operation, westerners just carried out the plan
which makes it even worse, we were doing it as jewish puppets

She ain't wrong.

>the west came and genocided them and then took their land
you know diseases like smallpox had been ravaging europe, africa and asia for over 2000 years by the time it reached the americas? Then those diseases took out like 80-90% of the native population mostly from native-to-native spreading. They should have socially distanced!

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Educate yourself

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