How much per month do you spend on your girlfriend? Is it really worth it?

How much per month do you spend on your girlfriend? Is it really worth it?

Attached: How much to keep a woman.jpg (947x1518, 243.67K)

0 now fuck off faggot.


Mennonite princess Colby would never waste this much money.
>Girl in OP roastie, can go back to the streets w that shit

If you aren't net profiting off a girl you aren't doing it right

I probably spend less on her than she does on me lol

Who the fuck has a 200/monthly gym membership

That's more than I've spent on my gf over the past 12 months and I make almost $200k a year lmao. I seriously contemplated dumping her when she asked me for gas money multiple times last month. $5300 per month is obviously retarded but how much do most guys spend on their gf each month?

this, she gets gubbamint gibs

Orrrrrr… hear me out… you get get a top class escort for $1000 a night every weekend for less money…In reality this is bait, no one is spending this. $500 a month for groceries? How fat is she??? $200 for a gym membership? She isn’t going to the gym if she is eating $500 in groceries a month. $500 for car note and gas? Bitch where do you need to drive if I’m paying all your bills, obviously not to work… $1150/month on hair, skin, nails, and make up? If you need to spend that much to look pretty you aren’t worth this much money…

>Eating out $500
>going out $750
>gym membership $200
>groceries $500
Excuse me but something isn’t adding up here. Also, on a related note, what the fuck is she doing to keep me besides giving me pussy, does this imply I take the pussy when I want?

Seems like a bad expenditure due to rapid depreciation and new, better models being made available every day

She's fishing for people she thinks will want to flex that they're able to provide that. The reality is that the only people willing to fall for it are already too poor to provide it, and it's because they're the kind of people with that level of awful money sense.

Self-defeating peacocking by the ultimate grifter: a woman.

It's almost like she pulled those numbers out of her ass. If i didn't know better I might think she just made that up for attention

0, my girlfriend is a videogame character.

Obviously it’s a bait, but jfc make it seem reasonable.

Supporting an ugly nigger

my girlfriends all pay me

numbers are completely realistic and quite typical
how else do you think people making 200k+ manage to still not have much cash over? by spending it / living
For a well off guy just replace some of the beauty shit with
supplements (e.g., protein, bcaa, etc easily ~200-300)
supplements that actually work (e.g. steroids, growth hormone), easily ~$1000 per month
car shit, $500 easy
bike shit, same
computer shit, easy 1k

in fact, guys who actually live a little with their money most definitely spend more than OP girl example

0 the girls of porn, and my hand is free, but with real women it's like
>go to their hobby shit
>get them food
>take them to something entertaining
>fuck a bunch

>numbers are completely realistic and quite typical
you're a retard
