Starting to buy crypto

Gonna start buying crypto monthly.

50% BTC
25% ETH
25% LINK

Obviously gonna just buy and hold long term. Am I doing this right?

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100% BTC, alts have still a long way down, Bitcoin in worst case can drop to 9k. I'm starting to DCA.

Not the worst plan. Be prepared to be sitting at a loss for a while if you're buying now. Maybe have a large amount of emergency money ready to slurp is BTC hits 4 digits again.

25%literally everything else proportionately. This is your fun money, if you aren't fucking retarded you can do real trading, if you're good you will make more with this then the others individally.

Don't forget to bring a towel.

buying anything other than btc right now is not wise. alts can still go down a lot. be careful

BTC 100%, link is centralized, eth is centralized.

what about dropping a couple of bucks on DOGE in case retards get manic like the last bullrun?

LUNC is the next DOGE

Dont forget to buy the top and sell the bottom

I'll echo the other anons: You are better off just buying BTC and maybe ETH (3:1 ratio). I would DCA weekly or even daily if you can. You can try to time the lows for each 30 day period, but good luck. You are a noob, not a professional. Better to smooth your DCA by buying in smaller amounts more frequently. Expect bear market for another 6-12 months and then a rocky climb till late 2024.

Sorry, meant to say that I don't think the parabolic run up will start till late 2024 (just going by the price history).

Swap BNB for LINK though

I miss when people would come to this board to brag about their money or announce that they were fired for tax fraud.

didn't buy any Bit? ngmi user im sorry, since BitDao is currently the top Dao in the market and is supporting all types of builders through fundings from the largest decentralized treasury

>Starting to buy crypto
Did you consider investing in fortnite cards?

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>25% LINK
Did you mean LUNC?

maybe you could try cheap stuff like vinu to save you the fees, although it's still a waste of money to do that every month lmao

If less than $10k 50% btc/eth, 25% top 1000 mcap coins, 25% sub 1000 mcap coins/tokens.
If under $10k, 50% top 1k, 50% sub 1k.

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DCA'ing into zero is still zero

yeah good luck making a whopping +0.7% return on that investment grandpa