>get rejected for job
>job posting stays active for months following
should I try applying again?
>get rejected for job
>job posting stays active for months following
should I try applying again?
Have some self respect
I did that before
I even put down Last Week
When they ask if you applied and when
They never replied
Only if you fill every field with the word 'nigger'
It's a formality the job is either going to the hiring managers relative or they're checking to see how many people apply if there are loads they repost the add with a lower salary. Don't take it personally.
did they give you an interview and then rejected you? then no
did you get no response after sending your application/resume? you could try again with an edited resume in case last time you got filtered by that stupid hr software
We were looking for someone more black or tranny. Nothing personal, kid.
>go to job interview
>demand top pay and make ridiculous requests such as working 2 days a week only
>still get offers
>reject the job
Feels good being a software engineer that made it during the last bull run.
i will use my experience in being a successful adult male to say yes. you should.
>Don't take it personally.
do take it personally for wasting your time and apply 10 more times with different names
It's fucked to the point that I can't even get a job as a nepotism hire for an overpaid helpdesk IT job at my brother's company because their HR and financial committee refuse to finalize the budget to begin the hiring process and their dipshit CEOS think the sysadmins at the office should handle every single tiny issue that pops up even though it massively cuts down on productivity and ability to maintain the infrastructure.
>mechanical engineering
>job offer pays $20/hr
>ask for $24/hr
>get ghosted
SE bros have no idea how lucky they are
you fucked up, engineering is a meme, the only way engineers make money is if they get a BA in something else to go with it or they become a youtuber to make quirky retarded shit
>Join Teams meeting for interview
>Employer is 5 minutes late without notification
>Quit the meeting
Don't let them waste you time bros
dude is retarded or graduated with 2.3 gpa. I'm ME with 3 years experience and get $40 an hour
yeah big mistake
i make $34/hr now. it was super rough at the start of my career. also $40/hr isn't that much.
>>get rejected for job
>>job posting stays active for months following
>should I try applying again?
Most likely they want to hire a foreigner.
By law they have to post the position and then say no-American is qualified before the government will give them a worker Visa.
You did nothing wrong.
They tailor made the job application so that ONLY the person they want to hire has EVERY criteria covered. Even if you had 99% coverage, they wanted 12 years experience in XXXX programming and you only had 11.9 years.
yes but this time you must send them a pic of your penis so they see you are confident and extroverted
>apply for a job
>6 months go by
>they tell me they have moved on
Always makes me kek
oh so some people are not stupid on this board and know how it really work
US women. so hot
They didn't want (YOU) on the job, that's it. How about you stop whining about a job you didn't get and hop on VINU and accumulate before it goes parabolic?