4 fucking million dollars. i lost it all. now i'm delivering amazon packages for $22/hr
1 year ago I had 4 million dollars
4 million actual dollars or crypto? If the former how did you blow it? If the latter I don't care lol
$22 not bad, I'm $9, chef at Wendy's
Do you spit in my burger? You little fuck
No way op!
you didn’t take any profits not even for a home?!!
what were you holding and why didn't you sell?
>inb4 1PBTID
Unrealized gains don't count chud
oh how the mighty have fallen
I make 28/hr CAD to be a foreman in construction. You're making good money for easy work. Chin up begger king.
No, you didn't have 4 mil. The money was never in your bank account.
Imagine having multiple millions and not cashing out cause you think that's "nothing", and poorfags on Any Forums who don't have even close to that think you need 20 million.
Enjoy your Amazon job user. 22 per hour, it'll take you around 100 years to make 4million.
9$ in the united states?
I make that in the Balkans in a call center dude
Balkans rich country, America poor country, it’s simple friend!
>Enjoy your Amazon job user. 22 per hour, it'll take you around 100 years to make 4million.
not at 50x; then it will only take you 2 years of 100% winrate
>1 post by this id
Holy fuck I literally spit my smoothie all over my keyboard you nigger lmao.
>$22 an hour to deliver packages
Jesus Christ and its your first year? I've been running machines in a hot shop for almost 10 fucking years and capped out at 22.98 right now. This shit is absurd. When I started this job is was one of the best paying within 50 miles and now kids (literally) are starting out at 16-18 an hour a mcdonalds
Give us some sort of story faggot ffs.