Just graduated college with a criminal justice degree, and a double minor. I’m feeling accomplished af right now. So which job should I choose, police, firefighter, or paramedic/EMT. If I don’t to some type of active public service job like those I may kms, out of self unworthiness and doubt of course. I had an internship with the police and I was a lifeguard my whole life so the transition should be simple enough.
Don't be a cop you'll get arrested for doing your job.
Michael Ortiz
Brayden Lewis
Lmao you are a braindead parasite and punitive "justice" is no justice at all all cops are all bastards and all financiers are parasites.
You are in Any Forums, went cop school and unironically say "based" so imo it is already too late for you and you should kill yourself Any Forums parasite
Andrew Martin
Financially speaking, which one is best though
Matthew Gutierrez
go back to plebbit
Jace Jackson
Criminal detected
Kevin Rodriguez
Tribal leader Bricklayer Botanist Farmer Blacksmith Carpenter Architectural artist Warrior
This is what we're going to need in the Citadel
Joseph Bailey
police don't care about you. they exist to protect politicians and criminals from mob justice.
Jayden Davis
I am in Australia and I have been formally diagnosed with autism. Throughout my youth, I always wanted to have an unconventional high paying job such as a SCUBA corpse retriever, SCUBA underwater welder, or as an undertaker. The concept of a white-collar or blue-collar job repulsed me since I didn't want to be like everybody else. Unfortunately for me, once I got my Computer Science degree after 4 long years, I fell into a depression and never bothered to get a job and I've instead opted to live off welfare.
>graduated college to become a beat cop At least go work for the feds if you want to get into law enforcement
Charles Carter
One of my former colleagues was 20 years old and he had severe male pattern baldness. I really wish that I knew about Finasteride and Minoxidil back then so I could try to help.
When I was a kid I wanted to do nothing, and now I do
Caleb Allen
burglar. thrilling, requires intelligence and strategy to not get caught, and every job could potentially be a jackpot that you can retire with. being an intelligent white burglar is like living life on easy mode
Logan Campbell
Paramedics seem pretty based a lot of lgbt people in there you’ll probably like it
Cameron Flores
If you think about it, there must be a market for someone with a criminal justice degree willing to advise criminals on how to better do crimes. A crime consultant so to speak
Jonathan Brown
They are literally called lawyers
Adrian Nguyen
Hell yeah I'm a criminal. Come and try kidnapping me for committing victimless crimes - I fucking dare you. Come and take my guns, I fucking dare you. Zog bots and bootlickers all deserve death.
Josiah Powell
cyber security/infoSEC. I am the line of defense against pajeets