It's over

it's over

Attached: 1655414169402.jpg (1080x647, 41.18K)

we must be somewhere between Bear trap and Mean.

-10,000 btc incoming hly fuck

First sell off was obviously 2018. New paradigm early 2021, return to “normal” late 2021. Look at all the places your graph doesn’t match up.

That said, it will go lower either way.

Dubs says

$1666/1btc incoming soon

You are not suppose the take the meme chart literally. That the lines will line up exactly with this overlay. It’s just a guide for the cycle. Based on btc chart a return to mean is roughly 10-12k so 10-8k probably be despair before going back to mean

Its been years and I still dont have a good reason for buying BTC other than speculation and drugs. And XMR does drugs that much better than BTC.

$10k confirmed

Youre dumb as a box of rocks if the only reason you should own bitcoin is to exchange it for drugs

Holy checked

I said less than 10k in £ not $

I used btc to buy gold this year.

lol bitcoin crash started --> 0! you'll be back begging on the streets lol

checked and based
can't wait for cheapies

double-checking to confirm

Attached: checking ball.jpg (575x380, 64.35K)

You can keep your dolacoin, eurocoin, and poundcoin, I heard that >20% were minted in the last year.

Even gold inflates 1% per year.. naa chud. I think I'll keep my decentralised programmable gold that inflates at 1% approaching 0.

2.2k confirmed. Winter is going to be fun

I've been predicting $8-12k BTC ever since Elon ruined the bullrun, can't believe how delusional people were around there. I swear only 1% of posters believed it'd go under $20k again.


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