Kek at the guy in the back, it wasn't that funny bro.
Hunter Ramirez
Why are they clapping? Did he finally unFUCK?
Bentley Nelson
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ 10 YEAR TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Connor Roberts
Hey bro. Europe can't pay for its natural gas. That's why EQNR is dumping.
Do you understand? Europe. Cannot. Pay. For. Energy.
They are bankrupt. I think this is the start of the end. I think the Jews got too greedy and dug too deep. >this is all according to plan I think a controlled demolition was. This isn't controlled.
He did. His indy movie, "The Whale" was so good he got a 6 minute standing ovation and its widely believed he will win an Oscar. I'm happy for him, he's gone through hell. I think this shows that its never over no matter how justed you get. If he loses some weight I bet he can even get back into the action scene.
I really liked todays ainz episode,hopefully we see some blood next week
Jacob Morales
He was the lead in what is said to be a great movie and according to journos he's almost certainly going to get nominated for an oscar. Our boy is back
Hollywood breaks a man down to his lowest of the low then makes a film about him and now they clap and cheer themselves for bringing him back from the abyss. Is this correct?
James Gomez
Jordan Hall
>Yes, can I get my Porsche stock in Oak Green?
Connor Cooper
Holy fucking shit what happened? It crabbed all day and then this??? WTF??
Nah, he got back on the horse without the help of Hollywood. The only help he got was from an indy director he met in Brazil while shooting some low budget movie
Lincoln Gray
Well /smg/ I wanted to finally get into trading options. I wasn’t sure how to do it on thinkorswim and I was selling puts and as the s&p kept going down I wasn’t able to buy to close when as the S&P was going down my puts were becoming less valuable and my profits were going negative and I had no clue what was going on. Since my puts were going from OTM to ITM and losing value.
I thought you had to sell puts and buy calls when I actually had it completely opposite, and that if you want to make money off the market going down you had to sell puts. Turns out you actually have to buy puts to make money on something going lower in price, and buy calls on something going up, then if it goes your way you sell to close... I nearly created a devastating blow to my portfolio and would’ve blown my account up not understanding what I was doing. Thank goodness I did this on the TOS paper account before actually using real money. No wonder they want to keep people from trading options
That would be me. I told everyone here and on stocktwits that I sold around $42. It was getting dragged down despite oil going up at the time.
Also, no, I'm sorry I didn't think Europe would be too poor to pay for gas and get a 1.5 trillion dollar margin call today. I did not factor that in. I think I'm going to take a break from investing.
Siga og shill thought he could make a bull case for oil kek. Hopefully you all learned a valuable lesson with oil. Oil does whatever the fuck it wants without rhyme or reason
>can't be worse than the cartel and arab stuff My brother in Christ that shit is real life how can anything be worse than that in a fucken anime haha. And they'll censor everything like they have been doing, they skipped all the Guardians each killing one city personally.
Alexander Miller
You ever read about what japan did throughout it's history, yeah now all they have to funnel that bloodlust into is anime.
Is there any good reason not to sell everything else and use all my brokerage account to just short the Japanese yen? It's like free money. The deeper it sinks, the more people pile on as well, speeding this shit up. 150 by next week