Here is Ukrainian President Zelensky virtually ringing the bell at the New York Stock Exchange today

Is this bullish or bearish?

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Fucking faggot kike cocksucking cointelpro psyoping astoturfing tranny motherfucking pedo.

So bullish

Based Zelenskiy

Very bearish peak clown world tho

You have got to be joking.

Based. It's over for russia.

Hella based! This guy is an effing rockstar. And even with the market down he is still making mad gains, taking Kherson back from orc occupiers.

Slava Ukraine!

I guess his time in Hollywood wasn't enough for him. Now, he shills himself to the Nasdaq. What a bastion of freedom.

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they can't really expect anyone to take this shitshow seriously anymore can they?

Nobody cares. You’re paying for it anyways lol

>went from being a millionaire to billionaire in only 4 years thanks to corruption
>sends thousands upon thousands of young men to die in a pointless war which he can't win, just to save his own asss
>Wife rents their Italian Villa to Russians while taunting Europeans for struggling with high energy prices
>collaborates with Nazis even though he's jewish
>regularly fucks up on drugs and uploads some weird shit online just to delete it minutes later
>removes Soviet memorials reminding that Russians and Ukrainians are brothers who fought side to side against the Nazis
>Steals European money with his oligarch buddies that was originally destined for the ukrainian people
>grows beard and walks around in military clothing for months to symbolize he's some kind of warrior/leader even though he sits in his bunker all day commanding troops into suicide missions

Washington's probably gonna replace him soon, to much negative PR for his US overlords. Besides that I sincerely hope he gets skinned alive by whoever gets fed up with him first

it's swineish

I'm actually not but ok

all of this shit was boiling up for 10 years before ukraine was even a thing

>the power of """"freedom""""
I hate the antichrist


How do we send money?

Attached: support-ukraine.png (800x600, 1.16M)

I like how this is a generic statement. You could literally be talking about anyone. Most likely yourself in a mirror wearing a tutu like the faggot you are.

Any Forums has been trying to turn Any Forums into a blue board version of Any Forums, none of these people are here to discuss business and finance they're just here to bitch about politics

>the power of freedom
>arrests political opponents