The older I get, the more I realize pic related is true

The older I get, the more I realize pic related is true
>dumb as rocks friend of mine ends up hustling labor jobs after years of partying it up in his 20's and failing to develop any skills
>not even handy man services, literally just shit like clearing out peoples basements and attics and hauling their used junk away
>was borderline remedial in high school and i'm amazed he graduated
>he some how worked his way up to owning his own business where he hires illegal immigrants and alcoholics to scale his business
>he now has a fleet of vehicles and is making several hundred thousand a year
>now he's moving into other businesses like auto loans

>other friend was good student in high school, honor rolls, etc. Smart and driven
>went to college, majored in business/minored in statistics
>constantly trying and failing to get into the start up world
>taking him years to make it because he's sticking to boomer boglehead advice only and refuses to play crypto or anything risky at all even though he makes well over 6 figures a year and has since he was 23

>another relative is extremely bright and driven
>said fuck college and played the capitalists at their own game
>pulled a same hyde and AH JEEZ DUDE'd his way through debt to amass multiple rental properties
>now has an expensive lawyer on retainer and financial advisor who has practically absolved him of all debt or allowed him to wash it in other ways

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The truth is most people aren't meant to make it, because they're afraid to take the necessary risks.
I lost everything in the 2013 and 2017 bull runs, but made it back 10 fold in 2021.
Whenever I bring it up I'm told it's just luck, so I've learned not to talk about it (except on biz).

midwits progress society, the fringes exploit it

Because am extremely large majority of the people who make it at least had some element of luck involved
Its impossible to control or even account for all factors involved in making it

Ive seem people get rich out of completely retarded business ideas
Theres people who succeed with an idea or product that thousands of other entrepreneurs offer, and even though competition is stiff they succeed for some arbitrary reason or because they unknowningly had an important connection that others simply did not

And its alright to gamble sometimes, but when youre a poorfag you learn to avoid risks to survive and the stakes are higher. Your 50k startup fails and thats 10 years down the drain.

In many ways its just a diceroll.

People need to fail in order for the current economic structures to exist. If everyone makes it, then nobody makes it. But hey for crypto it’s different right? Wagmi bros.

very long winded way to out yourself as a midwit tbdesu

The universe lays out our path for us yet most aren't smart enough to understand / follow the signs.

Actually the midwits are the people who gambled and won and think theyre somehow better than everyone else because its impossible to accept that many others failed for arbitrary reasons.

The system is made to keep the powerful in power. Hence it is great at letting midwits ascend but hinders actual intelligent folk, you dont want too many of those to gain money (power)

this story you tell yourself is quintessential midwit cope. very few people make it by accident. there is no one, 10, or even a mere 100 dicerolls that a person can get lucky with and make it. it's a lifestyle level skill to prepare for and appropriately manage "luck", bad and good.
if you want to frame it in gambling terms, people who make it by and large have a positive ev life strategy and they grind until variance puts them well in the positive, which is simply not mere luck.

Ironically you're the one coping, you cant accept how unfair the game is.
Put it this way. You pick the optimal strategy to make it. It increases your chances of making it by say 30%
Yet many will fail running the same strategy. Because you cant account for all the factors of a successful business. Simply having a good idea isnt enough. Never mind the fact early competitors can crush yiu if yiure deemed a risk, so you have to slip between the cracks.

Its like poker. Yes you can be good at it. But if you only get to play 3 hands its easy not to walk away as a big winner.

Thays why successfullpeople brag about how they take calculated risks even though theres factors outside of their control that helped them which they didnt account for.

Nevermind that "making it" may be possible, but to be truly rich you already need ti be in an incredible position since birth.

The best predictor is success is wealth. Not iq, not risk taking behaviour, not the amount of frogs you post. That fact alone should tell you enough.

Motivation and drive matters a lot more than IQ does.

Simple as

>In many ways its just a diceroll.
some people never bother to roll the dice

Attached: bill.jpg (1639x2048, 416.62K)

most of it is entirely controlled by luck
you are all victims of your dna (random) and your environment when growing up (random) and random chance (you guessed it).

what were ur biggest mistakes during the first 2 bull runs?

yes, most people dont, since you can also lose
but its ridiculous that so many come to believe theyre great dice rollers while in reality they rolled high once

The people in the middle never take risk. I would know, I'm the middle person.

Responding to faggots like you on biz

so, what happens if u take too much risk? do u strike gold eventually or plummet into abyss?

There's no such thing as luck. The very concept is a cope.

Survivorship bias

except your low iq friend got kinda lucky. most of low iqs like him end up the worst

You also have to consider verbal, social, and emotional intelligence.
Your idiot friend, and your smart friend, my be high in these areas.
While your midwit friend may be low in these.

Look at successful sales people.
They may be dumb as a box of rocks, but really good at schmoozing clients and manipulating them.

Luck can be seen as the amalgamation of unseen or unanticipated factors that work with or against you. Luck is real, albeit not in some fantasy concept.