Would you sell or would you keep holding?

Would you sell or would you keep holding?

Attached: l.jpg (737x900, 54.19K)

lol is that real? green text why you have that lunc and how it happened

user about to understand what liquidity and order books are.

If it’s sudden: sell and wait out the emotions of sudden wealth. Don’t overestimate bodily autonomy

elaborate please.

I would sell that immediately.

The order book has a lot a volume
Big balls to make big money. Sell imo

I’d tell you to dump but it’s an obvious larp

>portfolio screenshot
i would sell and never look back at least for weeks or months, take some vacations, etc

It's not me, but it's not a larp either

Attached: 12311.png (559x989, 62.36K)

if its good enough to screenshot its good enough to sell.

you have month or two before crash. If you need cash why not cashing some out.

If he sells all at once, wouldn't he get a really bad price like 10-50% less?

if that's truly you just sell. stop being greedy or atleast have a stop loss to where your comfy.

you must realise even if lunc does a 2x from here you can always be rest assured you took a lot of profit. the difference between good investors and bad is greed.

what crash Ranjeet? tell me more

sell and reward yourself with some high-class, prime 18 year old escorts

Not a good time to sell fag, holding my ETH,SCRT and LIFT and looking to add more

don't listen to the baggies lol they're actually on suicide watch rn

I would sell and buy an established project

fool why are you a weakling, don't be a retarded fool and stick to your hold as the bull run will be coming very soon and Alts like MATIC, SYLO, ORE will surely pump no doubt
