NASA can't get back to the moon because of diversity hires

Ok we know you lurk here, who hired Jamal and Shaniqua and that Indian fella with the unpronounceable name that always agrees with you and then doesn't do shit about it. Who was it huh?

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T. some random retard on twitter

go back.

non white people are dumb

NASA can't go to the moon because they were never there in the first place

We know NASA is a Mickey Mouse diversity hire superficial program now, but you aren't ever going to find out the minutiae of how it impacts their objectives

well, we can see pretty clearly that it takes them forever to repeat things they've already done

>t diversity hire

Too bad they noticed the fuel leak. The main goal of the mission is to put a woman/nigger on the moon just for diversity points; would be nice if their bodies were diversely spread across the atmosphere.

Wonder why

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Brainlet take. Earth is flat with a dome, they can't leave this plane.

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Okay... would you rather go to the moon or have a diverse team?
The answer is clear

This is what kike on a stick does to a fm.

Women and pooskins would unironically rather us live in tents and huts out of their own pride and selfishness than allow white men to go out and continue to build and progress civilization

There is nothing for us at the moon. Going to the moon has no practical use for mankind, except for one thing: it inspires us. Going one more time with some white guys has limited inspiration potential, I can see that as a non-woke white dude. Putting a woman or a poc on the moon probably gives us more bang for the buck right now.

How much value-add do you think Eddie Bernice Johnson provides?

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>send women and niggers to the moon
>accident happens
>women and niggers die
>blame white men
>purge nasa of wypipo and m*n even harder

this will happen, it's the plot of the story

It could act as a launch point for further explorations, plus a moon base would be super neat.

100% this, we deserve it though. Shouldve never shown mercy for any other than our own race

equality is fine when its between people who are equal
bucket everyone by a few iq points, and compare their performance, results, and opportunities

there's no use trying to compare some 85 iq animal with a 105 iq human

>There is nothing for us at the moon
and there's nothing for humanity without europeans

>go back.
thats reserved for redditors such as yourself

the worst part of shit like this is that these black women, who would have amounted to and done nothing with their lives, are able to run for these easy state seats and get paid taxpayer money to do nothing

>Muh diversity hires
>Not the fact that there are now multiple companies paying far better than NASA for a highly specialized skill-set, which NASA's head enabled because he's captured by the industry.
Remember, kids: anytime (((they))) want you to blame minorities, it's probably just rich white vulture Capitalists vulture Capitalizing.

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Next thing you’ll tell us is that they are chosen, funded and placed in to those positions because of Jews

There really is no political solution to this, these career politician negresses come from the deepest darkest parts of niggerland, USA and will always be voted in as long as they promise gibs

>T. some random retard on twitter
>go back.

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They can't get to the moon because space is fake there is nothing there lol

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Jews are cancer the symptoms of which are minority shit skin influx fever. Employers driving down wages with open borders. Rich white? But then you claim its jews? Are u a bot and retatded?

I look forward to the day they actually put humans on the moon and nobody gives a shit because they've been lying about it for 50+ years