>Nooooo you don't understand the new tokenomics this time is different™ it will go up forever®
Clueless newfags, you ALWAYS sell the news
Sell the news when?
look its another bitcoin bagholder pretending people will sell the news
cope, and then regret
That's a good boy. You sell. I've got plenty of dry powder ready for when you do.
this today was just the nothingburger part of the merge, the actual transitioning will be mid september.
buy the rumor, sell the news is pretty standard in crypto.
how new are you?
>le platitude trader
how do I know I have more money than you?
bitDAO is still buying hundreds of ETH every single day. Buy signal user.
you can't evade the fact its true methhead
I just did
enjoy whales dumping on you i guess?
implying I won't retire on my 150 ETH
>implying that 150 ETH is enough to retire
kek poorfag
>another bitcoin bagholder
Your assumption is way more wild than mine, that is based on a multitude of actual precedents
>today was just the nothingburger part of the merge, the actual transitioning will be mid september.
No shit Sherlock, I didn't even know that today did happen fuck all to begin with
Anyway we had le flipperino meme countless time already and it's getting stale
It’s not sell the news, it’s all the ETH2-stakers who just want off the ride after years
So you'd rather buy at the bottom of the sell the news dump @1800 than buy now @1650 or months ago @1000?
Tell me more about your strategy.
its a foregone conclusion
Financially speaking, I don't really have to care about it. From a pure entertainment standpoint instead, I like fucking around with you poorfags while you grasp your head around how to better dca your pennies to retire in 2060 or something
they still have to wait 6 months after the merge happened, they cant redeem
Wtf is this true?
lol, this is common knowledge by now
People who are not in liquid staking pools wont still be able to withdraw
I don’t really know much about staking or liquidity pools. Im a retard so I just buy ANKR and hold. It’s the easy play.