100 years of Kadena

100 years of Kadena

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100 years of pain for not investing into ETH and Polygon instead. The chosen networks.

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This thread is made by paid discord shills they want to scam you!
Do not invest in any coins they recommend, do not engage with them and do not support them in any way. They are only here to get as much liquidity as possible from gullible retards. They have astroturfed Any Forums for over 2 years by now and scammed a lot of clueless Any Forums anons.
Thank you for your attention.

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(btw this thread is made by paid shills. no need to mention it again. sneed


100 years of enslavement to KARA BOĞA

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look how fucking mad kadena makes everyone, they go out of their way to make sure that as soon as a thread pops up they post their trash pastas

This thread is made by paid discord shills they want to scam you!
Do not invest in any coins they recommend, do not engage with them and do not support them in any way. They are only here to get as much liquidity as possible from gullible retards. They have astroturfed Any Forums for over 2 years by now and scammed a lot of clueless Any Forums anons.
Thank you for your attention.

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Also, whats with Marmalade? Is the release date coming soon? I want to start minting NFTs already

the marmalade code itself has been live for almost a year at this point. there are third-parties making nft platforms, and there have been mints all over the place, did you miss something?

post your memes kadenanons

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hey user
wanna talk?

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I wanna talk, and you didn't reply to my joke yesterday, it was a good joke sir

About what

i'd love to lick her brown starfish and smell her seasoning.

which one of you is the cute tranny?

uh which one? dev one or balls remover one?

WARNING: This is a scam thread, where shills are paid to post.

god i wish i could get paid for shilling this tranny and pedo scam

Is it true holding KDA lowers testosterone levels?
Is this something we should promote as a benefit, or something we should hide from the general public?

the dev one obviously

She is in icy pee thread most likely