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/lossporn/ - extreme emotional damage edition
James Diaz
Alexander Peterson
this isn't as bad as the reverse situation, he's not gonna leave this will just make her behave
Evan Davis
This is a 'woman hate' thread, faggot. Contribute to board culture, or fuck off. This is redpill country.
Only a stupid foid would invest in crypto
Joshua Brown
colors are too bright retard, what were you thinking moron
Joseph Phillips
yup, $300k for a submissive wife in lifelong guilt-ridden relationship? I'd call that cheap investment
Angel Martin
I gave my nephew 0.2Btc to invest in 2020 ….he lost it all but recently asked me for more, saying this time he’ll do better since the market is at a bottom…I have about 15k in Bitcoin I can give him, not sure if I should or shouldn’t. He’s a freshman in college now so he has more free time though.
Asher Gutierrez
give him coins that you think will grow that aren't BTC. it's a test to see
>if he'll hold it
>do his own research to eventually explain to you why he traded them to swap long term with BTC
>you get to see if he's grateful that you're helping him or if he's just grateful to have blood with money that conveniently
that's if you want him to be a man, and not a turbofaggot.
Charles Bennett
>giving money to a "nephew"
why isnt his dad giving it to him, thats not even ur own semen u retarded fag.
John Nguyen
>le porn
It's called a just thread or rekt thread here, stupid coomer
Cameron Gonzalez
>"passion" for the "scene"
lmao he watched and he learned
Lucas Flores
Is this the power of leverage?
Bentley Walker
Austin Morris
>giving your life savings to a woman
Lol, lmao even
Adrian Thompson
This, give him 100k ANKR and see what he does with it
Bentley Foster
Try leaving the basement or at least opening your curtains
Asher James
> she divorces you
> she becomes entitled to half of your initial 300k that you gambled away like a sexist MAGA chud
Oh boy, you truly don't know about family courts.
Luke Roberts
Sounds like a synopsis for some hentai anime “lewd married woman willing to do anything to save her marriage”
Christopher Rivera
Nathaniel White
rekt, I've went down in unrealized gains from about $400k+ to under $10k but to lose that much in initial investment...kek. Should have just purchased Eth or Btc, those alts will fuck you up.
Levi Jackson
>but honey the twitter people said shiba doge elon mars coin was gonna 100x!
Imagine getting filtered out of wealth so badly to include the husband who was filtered by giving a woman six figs
Liam Perry
Larp, no woman knows how to edit an image even if it's mostly text