Uranium/Nuclear Energy

Anyone in deep with uranium/nuclear energy involved companies?

Could this be the next long term hold? If so, would you recommend investing in the material itself (uranium) or some other material used to power nuclear reactors or the companies themselves?


Attached: etf-investment-guide-theme-uranium.jpg (360x232, 25.19K)

ive seen this pop up weeks ago so it might already be to late to buy. which stocks do you suggest? uranium mining?

already mooned

Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. You're welcome.

Not even close.

Attached: FbrK7cYagAAo3fL.jpg (740x905, 131.73K)


Attached: 1651336016894.png (355x519, 130.66K)

Didn't you seehow much commodities have mooned with covid and war?

Have you not charted the ratios and compared it to previous cycles when SPX crashes in relation to PPI? We're still early in the commodities. Coal is rising to ATH $450/ton right now, oil is putting in a floor at $90 and will be heading to $250+/barrel by next year. Uranium is going to $300/pound easy.

Attached: uranium_breakout_2022.jpg (588x726, 68.92K)

>Could this be the next long term hold?
this is the next 30+ years of energy investing.
>If so, would you recommend investing in the material itself (uranium) or some other material used to power nuclear reactors or the companies themselves?
by looking for management who aren't liars. aside from that, you can't miss.
what's happening right now is 1) prices are a little ahead of fundamentals 2) youtubers and small-time analysts are making a cash-grab for subscribers; "strike while the iron is hot."
so, there are people out there looking to tie uranium to something sensational. the reality is, it will be a long slow climb from where we are to grid base-load domination.

I have invested in Kazatomprom and I am very happy with it.

They already made good money when the market was shit due to in situ leaching.

>and compared it to previous cycles when SPX crashes in relation to PPI
why is this ratio important?

What do you think a 50kt nuke would go for on the black market?

Attached: temp.png (1029x1150, 615.32K)

that looks like even more insane copium than the bitcoin charts that point to a 200k bitcoin in 2022
why would a commodity that has declined by 90% just retrace and do basically a 1500% rise in 5 years? the opposite is way more true, price declines happen quickly and growth happens slowly and tentatively. Uranium top to bottom took 10 years... this would mean at least the same amount of time to come close to the former high.

>uranium bag holders are seething
Lol even

retarded here: what does this graph mean?

Bro literally just look at the uranium chart during the GFC ten years ago. Uranium mooned bc all other energy, especially oil was too expensive. We are still very early

Invest in thorium mining

Also thanks for posting this, I didn't think my broker would let me buy Sprott physical on the otc (mutt) but I discovered I can.

Europe is having an energy crisis and nuclear energy is not even considered a solution. Uranium is not a good longterm hold.

Good for two month longs though

it means that since EU pulled out of nuclear and went balls in on being slaves to russian gas, uranium crashed
when fiat dies and all bureaucrats are dead in a ditch, then you can buy back into it

That graph just shows how pathetic is uranium compared to the S&P500.

We all agree here that uranium will at some point just moon, and then absolutely crash? Like it will be exactly like a regular stock bubble where the latecomers get absolutely fukked?

I've already closed out mine

It's like my wife user. Forever getting fatter and worse. But every once in a while she diets and that's when I bone.