Crypto sisters... Not like this!

Crypto sisters... Not like this!

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>26% bank account
Holy shit did they even read the question?

even normies know there won't be another bullrun,FUCK

Most people are retarded with money. Only reason so many picked real estate is because they keeping hearing about housing prices going up but most of them probably will never be able to afford multiple properties in their lifetime.

453 million votes, with 40% choosing real estate in the current circumstances. Full economics courses should be mandatory in highschool.

>28% bank account
>40% real estate (100k)

Bottom signal

Bullish unironically.


Hahahaha good. Seethe you fucking moonboy idiots. Nice fairy dust!

Yea early to being a gullible retard. Enjoy your trillions of worthless scam coins!

Oh yeah totally, go put it in DeFi lending platform XYZ that will inevitably rugpull when BTC is too low or get hacked. SUPER safe! Great idea!

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Buying crypto right now is unironically a double-digit IQ move. We're only going to keep sliding down until the next Halvening, it's the only consistent trend there's ever been in the crypto markets
Even with inflation holding cash is the best play for the next few months, then buy back in when BTC is under $10k

Now that’s a bottom signal

Attached: C9046BEF-4443-48E5-9007-451EA4365886.jpg (739x415, 25.82K)

Last halvening price was 2.5X from the bottom

Putting cash in the bank is getting rugged every day

A high yield bond is the only correct choice

Charles Peralo is a raging narcissitic faggot who can't help but feel compelled to pin his *super hot take* into every comment section.
Fuck this nigger

>high yield
pick one

I'd rather lose only 10% than 100%.

Of course, I'm sensible and put most of my money into energy to hedge against inflation during this recession instead of scamcoins.

> thinks half a billion people voted on some random faggot's poll
> thinks "mil" means a million in Spanish
> demands things to be mandatory in highschool, despite being a clear retard.

You mean 20x, right?

Attached: price.png (1679x1470, 196.26K)

To be fair, none of those are really great options to put in, and keep in, for 10 straight years. 20 years? Sure, but 10 years...