I’ve made my first retard purchase

I know gaymerfags will hate this but I just had to. I understand everything that goes with it but I’ve always just loved the design, and as someone who carries their laptop around (not around in public, mostly traveling and to work) this is something I will be using a lot and I will be able to play warzone and the new MW2 at 80+ FPS anywhere I want
What’s the stupidest thing you’ve bought so far?

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So much better choices than Alienware and desktop is infinitely superior, but if that’s what you want that’s what you want
I want a high spec computer for the first time in my life but I want my bank account at six figures before that

oddly enough i don't think i've ever bought anything stupid, i am very careful with everything i purchase. value for dollar is something i almost fetishize

Undervolt your CPU and GPU while overclocking the GPU memory, leave it on its side and mine with that for 2 years and you'll make your money back at current prices, and triple that if we go back to ATH

Same basically gaming PC and related hardware. I don't think it's that bad, was worth it, I can waggle my fingers at people in VR and run the new AI image shit locally now.

At least you didn't buy a new car.

At least you didn’t just buy a new MacBook Air M2 like I did. I was thinking about getting what you posted but didn’t think it was worth it since I don’t like playing games on the go.

I will eventually get a desktop, but I spend most of my time at work on my feet or in my room which has a small desk and I don’t have many places to store my belongings either so my room is packed and out of space. I’ll probably get a fully loaded desktop 2 generation from here hopefully we get 128GB RAM by then

i don't know what the best value for dollar is in laptops right now so i can't even say if op made a bad purchase or not. what is the best specs and quality in a laptop these days? if i was to buy a gaming laptop i'd need to see it taken apart first, i'd need to know what they're doing for cooling, thats the achilles heal in laptops. i need to see the heatsink, bad design in that area could cripple it.

I also use a laptop connected to a monitor. Desktops are honestly a meme in 2022 unless you're a turbo hardcore gamer kek. You just can't beat the portability of a laptop

i'd need to know if the laptop can be opened and repaired. fan will be one of the first things to go, can i even buy a fan that will fit as a replacement? gosh it would take me at least a few days of research and comparisons before i could make a purchase.

I don’t really often either but it saves a lot of space for me and I do take it to work and play when there’s nothing to do or take it to a friends house and play with them and have some beers. Sounds totally manchildish but that’s just what I have going on for me I guess

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I would recommend a clevo laptop. Most made nowadays have horrible thermals, but some companies still make good thick laptops with proper cooling
The hardest part of a laptop is the learning curve to undervolt/overclock to get optimal frames without hitting power/thermal limit, but once you get it set you only need to do it once

desktops aren't a meme, it's about thermals. larger volume in which the heat can be dissipated.

Yeah I might need to get one of those laptop fans for this one for when I’m playing for 3+ hours

Unless you're water cooling you're barely getting better frames on a desktop at current specs. The one exception is if you plan on streaming which stresses your CPU too much for the shared GPU/CPU cooler to handle

it's alright to buy irrational things once in a while fren, just don't do it all the time. i bought a Corsair Vengeance gaymer station earlier this summer. most I've ever spent on a device but I love it.

Attached: gaymerstation.jpg (750x750, 392.49K)

Undervolting your CPU will be huge. After that I would recommend downloading MSI afterburner and locking your voltage with shift+L until you find a voltage where you don't go over temp limit.

Here's a good guide for it to get you started

it's not about frames for me, it's about longevity. i'm air cooling with a big fucking cpu heatsink. pushing my computer to the limit and i'm still nowhere near the danger zone for reduced component lifespan like i would be on any laptop. also i do a lot of streaming and video editing.

also i can assemble a desktop myself with better specs then the top laptops at like half the price.

Yeah that makes sense for you then. It's just nice that we've finally made it to the point where laptops are the correct choice for most people. They're even more efficient to mine on when it comes to H/W since the power draw is so much lower
