>I’m gonna be a father
How do I profit from this
I’m gonna be a father
You're not. But someone else will.
it's 2022 senpai, you don't know if you're a father or a cuck until you get a dna test. just order 23andme for yourself and the baby and do it without telling your wife. you should do yourself first and have the swab kit ready for birth and do it as soon as possible so you don't get too attached to someone elses bastard
How sir bilbo
Pretend you lost your job and get her parents to buy you lots of shit. Meanwhile keep going to work and putting your paychecks into crypto. After 6 months you should have accumulated enough to be able to kill her and the child and skip the border to Mexico.
Intentional or accidental?
I posted a thread about being a dad like a week ago and half the replies were like this
Why does so much of Any Forums doubt that whoever they are with is cheating on them constantly? I’m entirely confident that my woman is faithful not because of perception but because I know I own that bitch. When did men become boys and boys become “men”?
Think about it logically.
They consumed too many blackpills mistaking them for redpills
you're the kind of sucker to raise a nigger kid LOL
Yikes no she knows I’d leave in a heartbeat if the kid wasn’t mine lmao
then get a dna test KEK
>if the kid wasn’t mine
and how are you going to figure that out without a dna test?
My logic tells me a child and family isn’t profitable
Bilbo don’t do this to me I want a family
Congratulations, but you don't typically profit off of your children.
Okay I’m getting a dna test now what doom niggers
thats all we wanted you to do user
How do I profit sirs
>because i know (insert bs)
Go get proof
you profit by raising a kid who is able to succeed and help you out later
I mean its worthless without Prince Calibos' hand to prove it's actually his. You kept the hand right?
People who frequent fringe website constantly ranting about the government and media corruption tend to have trust issues.
The fact that the board is regularly fed with nightmarish stories of chearing just reinforce the confirmation bias.
Also these days unless you live in Saudi Arabia you don't "own" a woman, in fact since the post war a husband has basically 0 legal leverage on his wife.
You literally don't.
Being a dad is like buying a lottery ticket to break even