Frenly advice for newfags

If you make a thread here and suddenly the thread is deleted, it means a creature called a "janny" got triggered/mad/angry because of your thread. That is a good sign! It means your thread was likely a good thread.

When that happens, simply post the exact same thread again, immediately. Ooops, did you get the "You are banned" error?? No worries, just change your IP by changing your MAC address and clearing your 4ch cookies, then the error goes away. You can now re-create your thread!

Attached: 1657397211327.jpg (303x298, 33.29K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Good points, also I would add, if your thread stays up it means it was either a boring thread or a tranny janny approved shill thread.

Attached: 1633882396437.png (1700x1388, 710.98K)

What about for phone posters

I spammed gay diaper furry porn in a thread once and didn't get banned. Which tells me something interesting about the jannies on this board.

They are always subhuman trash.

I’m scared to post is it safe? Can they doxx us based on the pictures we post?

Just be wary of the worm.

Attached: warning.png (800x1600, 73.87K)

this board is dead


what the fuck


holy shit what do I do? Just logged out of my metamask, can I log back in safely to send my coins to a new wallet?

Not worried to be desu.

Utterly based. Jannies are scum.

Nigga you can’t finna change da MAC address can yous? Ayo nigga I thought dat shiiieeettt can’t finna change

i knew I shouldn't have installed win 10.

They are lizard people

those guys just by mentioning dog shit like vinu or shiba are already crying, I love this place

Daily reminder to most people that VINU is still raging and the jannies don't want you to find out about it

Attached: 1663134443321.png (946x502, 78.63K)

Or just use

looks legit