I thought Any Forums was the designated frog board. I certainly feel like it gets the most pepe oc.
Samuel Wood
Ironically you are frog posting. And these little bastards are like the clap, they are not going anywhere. You may think you eliminated them, but a week later they are still present. I look at them like the annoying child that puts on a show and always wants to tag along. If you put them in their place they will respect you. But unlike the child learning to respect you, here it is anonymous so you are always going to have to impress them. So make it a fun challenge if nothing else. >Pop out that ointment and rub in a good time.
The frog will live on. If you anons ever stop posting the frog then I will start posting it every day. I don’t care if you all are bots and nobody ever responds to my threads. I will be the final frog poster if it comes to that