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Isn’t this what fucked everything in 2008?

Yes, the fire rises

Loans disguised as gifts to lure people into buying the top so the bank can foreclose during the recession. Basically a repeat of 2008 with a different angle

This is a controlled crash, and they're going for maximum damage. You thought agenda 2030 was a conspiracy theory?

Yes yes we got it, they want to squeeze the black goyim now.

jfc they're really fucking desperate to expand credit
no, people actually lost equity 2008, this is just BoA committing financial suicide just so they can shore up new loans - it's criminally short-sighted

Don't worry about it

The equity agenda isn't about fiscal responsibility, from Joe Biden, to Amazon and Hollywood equity is a sunken cost, they'll just raise taxes on everyone else or write the loss off.

Of course not, don't be racist.

how will they write it off?

>Bank of America cooks up scheme to siphon money from minorities 2008 NINJA loan style while doing PR with liberals who don't remember the 00's

It remains to be seen if extreme liberals are as easy to manipulate as extreme conservatives. I think some are, but not quite in the same numbers.

>think this is done with any political motivation
you dense fuck

Can you comprehend anything that isn't written in the format of a frothing diatribe?

Don’t they realize things are hard for everyone? My skin colour doesn’t automatically imply I’m rich


Abolish all banks and corporations immediately.

>xD anyone with any strong convictions is dumber than me! A BASED centrist! Take that 4chinnz

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radical centrists who think they're 'above it all' are the biggest pseuds around

The middle are tards. The extremes see the same problem but different causes. Centrists are just low IQ cowards who can't see a cause or a solution and are controlled by jewish media

So if BOA goes under and you have a loan there, you dont need to pay it back?


You'll believe anything of any internet stranger you encounter just to feel smarter than they are for five minutes. Just like most people.

Stupidity comes in many flavors. It's not the idiots that you can easily detect that are always the biggest gremlins in the works.
