Where are the shills of this shitcoin?
Where are the shills of this shitcoin?
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i am still recovering
i can’t even withdraw my znn from my mercatoxx after i forgot about this coin because of the hack. i’m screwed
They realized I was right and VITE is in fact superior whereas ZNN was just a scam. No refunds.
You fucken faggots don't get it do you
Zenon was built in BTC's image. That includes the community driven engagement and building. Currently people in the community with actual dev knowledge are building on it. github.com
You also don't seem to get that Zenon is designed to overcome the security issues of the lightning network.
If you're too stupid to find the crumbs i gave you here then I; like the rest of the people building, literally don't give a fuck about the opinions of some double digit loser
in the end the devs stopped pretending to even work on roadmap items
they didn't even do NFTs like they said they would
the telegram made them look like the saddest, dumbest bagholders and lolcows i have ever seen
hahahahaha get fucked you worthless poorfag
go work on those "community" roadmap items
go on
I got BTFO :(
also see you in the group chat later apu
Got a lil bag just in case, not holding my breath for it tho
I got a small bag just incase.
so i guess the jack dorsey larp was just that, a larp?
Depressed and poor
Building is ongoing. Phase 1 of mainnet is in about 10 weeks. Ask for a link to the Zenon Build & Support tg in the main channel and you'll see that things are happening. Now is a great time to accumulate a stack. I 100x in the first cycle and I'll do it again, and I'm playing with house money now. If you have proven to yourself that you can be patient through a bear, you know I'm giving sage advice.
>Phase 1 of mainnet is in about 10 weeks.
I'm balls deep in zenon but this is pure cope. November will come and go and I can assure you no Phase I will be activated. The project is 100% community developed from now on.
Ded project even if devs are still working on it. They promised all this shit and didn’t deliver it and now Gorg said there’s a 3 yr roadmap for roll out while argueing with Dumeril about them not needing to give out a roadmap Lmao. Gorg is probably one of the devs and just making up bs excuses and lies. Not holding my breath for this one
Holy fuck boys have you really got time for this znn fud larpshow? This is exactly what Satoshi meant we he said there isn't enough time to explain. Zenon is literally above all you goofs, it's literally alien tech that's going to bring the plebs up out of the gutter and into the stars.
For once in your life if you want to do something right just try to learn what's going on around you and try not to fall behind. Won't be another time/tech like this. Fuck all the noise just think about what you need to keep your money from evaporating.
Run a full node, stack QSR and stop fucking complaining yes your life sucks stop taking out on everyone around you lol
Let me guess: Zeno is dA ReAl BitcoNE!
Wtf no, same hashing algorithm tho so merge mining is a possibility.
Bruh you lost your ZNN then. They aren't ever restoring wallet functions.
>still posting zenon threads
i thought we got enough children new to the internet that didn't grow out of their edgy phase. this place has no smart people, you should post threads on Any Forums instead, might catch somebody interested in open source dev.
obligatory coincidence pic related
Forgot about these fags lmao
Remember when they thought it was some secret Jack Dorsey project haha