How do you deal with a dark triad type manager?

How do you deal with a dark triad type manager?

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polish his ego?

Machiavellian here, switch jobs. Yes I am serious.

suck his dick

Just suck up to him and tell him how great he is.

Can you or anyone else explain why dark triads love me and always end up making me their number 2

Get out, ASAP.
You're probably INTP or IN** type.
Such types are incompatible with dark triads.
If you stay prepare to be thrown under the bus and stabbed in the back.

are you on adderall?

You either call them out on their shit or are a useful idiot, at least in their eyes.

this, plus agree with everything he says while trusting none of it - they're victims of their own narcissism 99% of the time, and they still need people on their side to have a larger-than-self effect on the world around them

Dark triads like using people, you likely make yourself useful in some form or another.

A Yes-Man who will take the hit. Its why youve worked under multiple DTs.

beat him up
like bobby bacala did against tony

Look great. Look helpful and compliant. Start looking for the door before the façade cracks. Use that helpful, good employee appearance to better ally with a different employer, who is your escape plan. Don't let them know you're leaving until your leave is a guarantee.

Dark triad here: stop being a pussy and beat the fucker at his own game. When you do beat him. Destroy him entirely and kill his offspring so that his kids don’t come back to exact punishment against you.

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Because you have "fall guy" written all over you.

Thinking about it it's just because I'm perceptive, one of the few that understand them

Kill him (in MeinKraft, of course) in a way that makes it look like an accident and then take his job.

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Realize they are a pathetic middle manager who has accomplished nothing in their life so being a bully to people they should be leading is their only salvation. Then move on.

They don't love anyone, you've either misinterpreted their behavior or misdiagnosed them

Any retard can understand them, stop romantizing mental illness.

They love me chud, deal with it
No, they can't, and neither can you