BREAKING: Russia just said they WON'T resume gas supplies to EUR anymore!!!

I'm very unironically scared guys. What are the financial implications of this??? I live in Europe and I don't know what could happen now. Please explain to me what situations we will have to face now.

Attached: European_flag,_upside_down.svg.png (2700x1800, 64.26K)

Dont worry bro, there gonna be a lot of bigger problems than gas shortage. Better buy as much food as you can rn

Join the Ukrainian Legion fren. You'll get 1 warm meal day

Your sacrifice is appreciated user
we need to heal the planet
degrowth is the way

>Oh no, no more russian gas
Fuck off faggot, europe will do what it always does, adapt.
Have fun driving lada for the rest of your life

like they have adapted to the hordes of benefit seeking immigrants?

Europe will be forced to go to war with Russia, right? It simply has to happen sooner or later.

your natgas will come from china and the US, no big deal
>1 warm meal per day
>until tomorrow when you are exploded with a mortar while standing around in a high school gym

This post was either made by a green leaning Kraut or a butthurt Polack with Russian derangment syndrome

Fuck the EU

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You’ll be cold in the winter. Hungry quite often. Riots and violence will skyrocket as people rage against their useless governments. Third worlders will stream into your countries at an unprecedented rate to fight for scraps. Eventually when Europe is weak enough, Russia will attack. Google Siener Van Rensburg. He laid it all out.

My EQNR longs gonna print so fucking hard

Norway is already the biggest gas supplier for europe in 2022

Yes. Exactly

exactly! I became just like them, a leech of the system, all it took for my eyes to be opened was to see how the benifit seeking immigrants live!. then I adapted and began doing the same thing. and now , im free , free i tells ya!

Attached: mooooneeeee.png (512x461, 175.99K)

The way russians are waging war in ukraine we probably get cheap everything from russia soon.
Two more weeks but unironically

You'll experience an economic slowdown and likely harsh recession and then an economic stagnation but nobody will be rioting in the streets (unless they're french) and you will not starve to death or freeze to death.

America and China WILL however take you by the asscheeks and fuck you for energy payments though.

I don't care I'm well off

so there will be no heat zones next to no-go zones, perfectly adapted


how many buttcoinsdo you have

Well, you won't get gas through Nordstream-1 again. Russia is confident it can sell it to the rest of the world, especially BRICS and go for the kill of the hegemon. There are other pipelines still, via Poland and Ukraine. But it's pretty big hit.
US will make sure they sell as much LNG from Henry Hub to EU and UK. They will try to pressure Saudis and Qataris to do the same. France already intervened in Yemen civil war/war with Saudis by deploying troops in LNG terminal.
Now the hidden effects. All this (and it is a huge amount of gas) gas needs to go from pipes into boats. There are not enough tanker ships. And the ones there are will now get lucrative offers to supply EU, instead of 3rd world countries. Who will have to resort to diesel (Bangladesh) or coal or nothing. So count on a lot of civil wars, coups and countries that will walk nay run into the arms of Russia and China. Because this just blatantly shows again that globalism really means colonialism and if things get tough you let the pain fall elsewhere. EU is just kicking down, because we are victim of the same machinations, the US has installed puppets in the main economies Germany, France and their lapdog UK (just now reaffirmed with a very dangerous new bellicose puppet) with the sole objective to get the EU away from peace with Russia, cement it with our own iron curtain (we behind it) and push 'green' US EV and LNG solutions for 'climate change'.
The climate change narrative will disappear over the next three years. When puppet governments need to butn coal to keep electricity going it needs to be replaced. The new narrative will be water.

no, no war. The US just wants a cold war back and put us behind an iron curtain. This ensures a market for them and props up the dollar (because of Russia selling in any currency other than Euro and Dollar right now, the share of the greenback in world trade is right on the tipping point of 50%. Below it will gradually bring those dollars home and inflation that comes with it).

All russians will be killed. Moscow will be carpet bombed. Nothing will remain.