Sam Hyde's NFT has just started minting for 0.25 ETH

Sam Hyde's NFT has just started minting for 0.25 ETH

is it worth it?

Attached: mondo.png (627x360, 53.69K)

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no lol

yes i just got one selling in the next bullrun

might be good for a 2x flip before it gets taken off opensea. trading card NFTs are lame, wish he had done a pfp collection.

no he's not mainstream enough.

the cope of these 16 year olds in sam hyde's discord reminds me of us in Jan 2017 after the crash. They're like "it's gonna mint out once the whitelist is lifted" lmao the amount of copium is unfathomably exorbitant rn

Attached: lolol-oh-no.gif (616x640, 3.28M)

it's what makes nft scams so popular and lucrative. immediate sense of urgency and gambling followed by a slow bleed to nothing. good to have retards parted from their money though.

yeah I'm happy for Sam for successfully stealing like half a million from these retards but it won't be enough to pay all of his staff

almost as if 4000 supply at 0.25eth is just a LITTLE too much when there were only 800 whitelisted lul

it started minting 40 minutes ago lmao

yeah and? the buying pressure is already gone

He's an up-and-coming superstar

Attached: 1325435634643.jpg (1200x1200, 218.78K)

Just because you can't afford a mondo doesnt mean you need to be a sour puss

lmao one of the mods is linking a scam opensea collection and cunts are falling for it. very based

He cant get knocked out, due to all the meth.

As a warning you retard

hes already half heartedly stated he only really did it to fund the game hes monofocused on, seemed very much to be a sideaway thing

I own ~10.4 BTC so I could definitely afford it and I'm also whitelisted and considered it but I'm not buying when there's no volume, no buyers, nothing. Let this be a lesson to you to not get overhyped and blinded like this in the future

This is pure art of our time. These NFTs are going to be in museums in and art galleries in the future.

R5 rarity just went for under half an eth... It's over bros

so true, i am so happy to have sam hyde nft bird

>Jan 2017

These will be worth a fortune when he gets into the news for murdering Hasan in the near future.

kek. As long as Sam is alive the price will go up and if Sam dies the price will go up. Win win.