$1 eoy

Is a x3000 in 100 days even possible?? Anything like this happened before

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No this will be the first my dubs confirm it

You can either watch it from the outside or the inside of the rocketship.
Your choice.


Looks like people from the discord found biz

Retards you are going to get burnt for buying this crap. get into ETH and bitDAO instead. Real shit that is doing something. Imagine buying a dead dog user.

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ye, check xrb, from pennies into $30
won't happen for luna tho

The Shibs pump on biz was euphoric.
And that wasn't even an established project the way Luna is.
It can definitely happen.

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Lunc is the only token that has ever done. -3000x so yea it's possible.

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seething nocoiner spotted

I remember that, this feels the same but a lot bigger

Same. I've said it before and I'll say it again, lunc has the same energy of dog coin season condensed into one coin. And I think more and more people are waking up to the for that this may be the last moonshot for a while, so fomo is starting to set in.

But 3000x fomo seems a bit delusional. My 6Mil bag will makes some nice gainz but making it in the sense of financial freedom sounds unrealistic.

Yeah sound like you will sell early so yes, urealistic, for you.

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Good think like that we need weak hands to sell their bags early. The less bigger wallets the better
1m bag will be priced out for many very soon

If you have payed any attention you know that some people got filthy rich from the crash of LUNA. These same cocksuckers are going to pump this shit in one giant last exit pump before the whole global economy shits itself and get even richer in the process. You are lucky to be a part of it. We will hit 1USD before EOY. This is more obvious than SHIB, HOGE and all the other shit before it. LUNC will dwarf them all in terms of ROI.

Why would I buy ETH before the new crash hits.
You think once winter sets in that people wil be dumping their cash into crypto? actually retarded.

It has legs for a 3x or to drop a zero from here, beyond that is clown world.
Long term though anything is possible.
Still unclear on the UST pair though, thats the next big leap.

Lunc is good.

>Mfw I make it from both

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Almost 5k members up from 3k last week. What number does it have to hit for the real fomo to begin?

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>only 5k members
We are so fucking early its funny

>Is a x3000 in 100 days even possible?

No, of course not
Are you new to Any Forums or crypto in general? We lure-in people into pumping our bags by stating ridiculously high price targets
For example, the people currently stuck bagholding Chainlink, are suckers that fell for the "chainlink $1 EOY meme"

At what price will LUNC top out? I'm not sure exactly but I'll tell you what though, it won't be $1 and it will be lower than 1c

Fuck we are so early, I love you benchods
$1 EOY

Good to see another cult forming around a shit project.

Sorry I meant to say the Chainlink "$1000 EOY meme", which was the price target that widely circulated on Any Forums between 2018 and 2021

>what is market cap
I truly believe most of you are completely retarded.

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Retarded rich EOY