Howcome it's so funny when people lose lots of money and become bagholders? It's the funniest thing ever...

Howcome it's so funny when people lose lots of money and become bagholders? It's the funniest thing ever. "OH NO BROS I'M FINANCIALLY DEVASTATED". HAHAHAHAHA baggies.

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I don't know why, but it sure is entertaining

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it's just funny asf
also ppl marrying their bags smdh lmao

Bro, his daughter died
And she was hot

That must be really hard for a father to take

You're more of a loser for wasting bandwidth feeling joy from other people being sad

and lately we've hit the motherlode

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how bags huh bub?

No, I'm just not an edgy faggot who does nothing and feel superior for it

>wasting bandwith
are you serious? there are people streaming the amazon tolkien stuff in high resolution as we speak
it can also serve as a warning to newcomers

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ok bby 100 goodgoy points have been deposited

Because they’re all a bunch of scam artists who are trying to get other people to hold their bags.
I love it because all these fuckers decried the “big banks” during the financial crisis of 2008, and now they turn out to be even WORSE and MORE predatory than banks ever dreamed of.
They deserve to lose all of their money, same with any crypto bagholders, especially Celsius.

I tried to warn people about Celsius back in 2020 and was LAUGHED at when I went to networking events and things like that, people well telling me that I was “crazy” because I didn’t buy into the crypto schemes.
Well, two guys I know literally just sold their mansions in Denver because they lost over $1 Million in Celsius. Hey Abhay and Chris, if you’re reading this, go fuck yourself you dumbasses, lmfao.

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> le struggle makes you better
This is always a sad cope. Hardship makes you old and beaten up. The greatest people had success after success and are better for it.

it's sad when people lose money. it's funny when they marry their bags and invest even more money into a sinking ship because they've deluded themselves into thinking they're going to """"squeeze the hedgies"""" or whatever that retarded saying is.

loss porn thread I guess

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meme text the quote next time

Why would you keep the gun in a save?

probably has kids(which makes this even worse)

um baby they are lowering their average
nobody could have known that dogSafecumshitcoin#45 would indeed go to nearly zero

The next house I buy is going to be at a foreclosure auction from some crypto-faggot who got wiped out.

When someone doesn't want something to happen, and it happens anyway, it is funny.