We know theyre corrupt, so should we put our investments in with their folios, considering the corruption in this country is so rampant you are guaranteed returns, or should we bet on reform?
a fun link to blackstone and chinese organised crime. just to keep the topic fun.
how deep is the web? we know that the aussie glowies have offices in washington and vica versa, we know they have infiltrated anonomous, we know they set up ironside as an international unit and not a federal case..
how many criminals are really calling the shots here.. is it really that bad?
Brandon Peterson
Sorry glowie we don't give a fuck about that soi faggot
Caleb Green
this is actually better than it has been.. i feel like this is a new kid (nahas) trying to stir the nest.. the old boys probably wont want to let him in.. seems like a scapegoat to me.. we havnt even spoken about the yuro crims yet..
Michael Stewart
im not fussed, he made his bed. he knew the risks.
im just trying to gain a scope of things and find any interesting information.
Benjamin Brown
Jordies, wut doin?
Ryder Lewis
not jordies WSB. im just bumping til i get some info, a decent take or jannied. im curious as to some hypotheticals about where some money can be made on the ripples this is all going to cause.
its way to much money attached to the topic for it not to cause volatility somewhere.
Anthony Green
tl;dr and how do I profit from this >Any Forums - Business & Finance
Jace Jones
thanks for the bump
Mason Jenkins
I don't think their will be ripples at all. Crown got away with all their shenanigans for years.
Ayden Sullivan
im inclined to agree. but given crown opened another facility a month ago. somehow i dont think drawing attention to it is coincidental..
jordies has a master telling him to try and manipulate the zeitgeist and put a narrative out there.. perhaps the labour masters have a probe planned and this is the way to justify it?
should this clown even be talking about the topic if we want reform?
if he mentions this shit and it is evidence, clearly they can claim tampering and have it suppressed..
im just saying theres ripples but i cant see the stone.
either way, some cunt is going broke and some cunt is getting loaded.
Jayden Reed
it wasnt /s again
Henry Cooper
push it to the thread count for all i care. im here. you think theres better shit to be doing? the state of the other threads is a bit fucked. at least this is organic
Tyler Watson
Oh you reckon jordies is a paid shill? I always thought he was just really biased given that the rest of the media exclusively praises the libs and demonizes Labor. I don't think their is much of a difference between the two but I've always thought of jordies had good intentions
Charles Smith
i think he's to known and vocal. i think they actively influence him wether he knows it or not.
Caleb Hall
wow. that sounds bad.
i mean i think theres competition in government to keep his attention occupied.
for eg, keep tying him up with litigation that will never actually land to keep him distracted.
im not sure its just a personal grudge, i think someone sees that he has a larger influence than multiple combined media outlets for certain demographics and would see it as economically effective to actively direct jordies attention on way or another.
Anthony Myers
The amount of money pushed through pokies isn't a new thing..
NSW is and has been an organised crime state for some time. Decades ago there was a huge chunk of crooked cops pretty much letting the gangs go about their business.
Most of the organised crime figures switched from the usual drug running etc to construction and property development in the early 2000s.. They've got strong links with lots of politicians (just figure heads from branch stacking in most cases for various interests commercial and shady).
You mentioned the casino fuckery that's going on too.. Either incompetence in allowing casinos to be built backed by the 14k and associated Asian triads or.. you know the gov and decision makers are in on it..
When you scratch beneath the surface of nsw and Australia you quickly realise how we sold out a long time ago to various interests.. Have a look at the foreign ownership of the big 4 banks - majority owned offshore.
Then there's the Chinese buying up commercial property, prestigious property and developing eastern European slum type quality apartments. Port of Darwin leased to China for 99 years?!
The whole place is being carved up and sold off thanks to the fuck head boomer generation who are hell bent on taking as much as they can because they're stuck in their parents/grand parents imperialist mindset.
even the place i work, its a 110m facility owned by the chinese and run as borderline slavery conditions and the place is going to be fucked before its sold back for demolition.
i just feel like there's never been a high level of public scrutiny during a criminal inquiry into australias gambling industry. this is sort of unprecedented.