These colors are a reference to redshifting and blueshifting in astronomy...

These colors are a reference to redshifting and blueshifting in astronomy. When objects travel TOWARDS you in 3D space they shift blue, when they travel AWAY from you they appear to shift red. For our legendaries, what they're symbolizing here is that the FUTURE always looms toward you, but the PAST always recedes away.

The story will probably involve time travel in some limited way, even if we don't actually see it and it's just told to us. The legendaries looking like bikes serves a double purpose, that being they travel (as in literally TRAVEL) through time. It is common for time machines in media to be literal cars or bikes or whatever that literally "travel" into the future/past.

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I guarantee you the hacks at GF did not give that dumb fucking idea even a single thought and just color-coded the legendaries to match the games.

Nice find

can anyone think of any other significance the colors red, green, and blue might have to the Pokémon brand? cant think of anything personally…

I also think Scarlet and Violet may be a reference to "roses are red violets are blue". It's like, the most famous love poem in the world. The culture of Spain emphasizes romance and love very highly and they are known for being passionate and romantic over there.

does this also tell me why a green motorcycle pokemon does not evolve into a red motorcycle pokemon?

Gamefreak is absolutely autistic about designing their creatures, so yes, they would

You are cringe and not as smart as you think you are, its just the visable light spectrum retard

Khu already said the legs are akin to the paradox pokémon, that the then-unrevealed/describes bikemon was the modern day form of the two.


this, at the begining i expected both games to be radically different, with areas restricted to only one of the legendaries, koraidon being able to dig in caves and run in jungle like zones while miraidon could fly and so, reach higher places and maybe halfway through the game you get the second one; it turned out they are just flying bikes

I don't understand your question really

Okay? And the visible light spectrum by itself has literally zero to fucking do with the legends and seems completely random. There obviously has to be a reason WHY they're themed after the 2 ends of the color spectrum

You definitely are on the spectrum

>legendary based on Doppler effect
Meh, more like LGBTQP+ pandering to me

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It's called the Spectrum Generation for a reason.

That's because your a fucking retard, user, not because GF doesn't put thought into their designs. They do put thought into them, an actual autistic level of thought.

rent free

finally, the Pokémon are just like the fans
on the spectrum


beat me to it

What a fucking retard post. They do many autistic things for creating pokemon. Literally the whole ub line and even alola starter base stages having alchemy hints. The cover legend of sun beeing heavily influenced by alchemie. Every ub having prime numbers as stats. You are just a dumb moron.

>wow they really thought hard about [COINCIDENCES RATIONALIZED POST-HOC]
lol. lmao, even

is that why we don't get Green versions anymore after Green and Emerald?