why the fuck are all the birds running away from yellowstone? is this bullish?
Why the fuck are all the birds running away from yellowstone? is this bullish?
You will believe the globohomo climate change propaganda!
its over
Bro bro bro I’ve been noticed huge flocks of birds everywhere lately. And they all seem to be going south? What are they trying to get away from ?
>he doesnt know nwoniggers have access to weather manipulation technology; it’s not even cutting edge
>deliberately use it to create wildly unnatural weather in focused locations
>tell goyim they are causing it by farting and they need to be taxed and relinquish their human rights
they must know something we don't
This would t be globohomo climate change shit, this is Yellowstone super volcano leave the us in ashes shit
They are getting away from the Great Lakes/Chicago.. the birds near yellowstone aren't even migrating at all. Learn to read a map you buffoons.
Poor user failed his geography class in middle school.
>Birds in Wisconsin begin migrating south as the end of summer approaches.
Wisconsin is 1000 miles away from Yellowstone. This has happened every year since birds.
Concentrate on the magma chamber
>49 millions
There are like 10 billions of them in the US
Oops there goes a bird up over my head oh my oh my
Bros literally last night I had an insane dream the whole sky turned pitch black from birds flooding the skies and then an enormous light show appeared over thousands of miles of land, it was the ayylmaos they were trying to send a message and the light show visualized patterns and images similar to those Peruvian landmarks
This isn’t the first time I dream of extra terrestrials arriving to Earth, it’s always so real I cry during those dreams and wake up scared feeling like I need to do something
Birds aren't even real
Hmmm, it's like they're moving south. I wonder why?
they fly south for winter retards
>wake up scared
The only sliver of hope I have left is that aliens show up and glass this planet and all the fuckins jews living in it. Knowing how things are though, they probably already contacted our "leaders" and the Jews have already wormed their way into galactic leadership and are working on enslaving other civilizations too. Those fucking rats will never see any retribution.