what can i do with 200k to grow it with zero to minimal risk ?
What can i do with 200k to grow it with zero to minimal risk ?
Open an account on Robinhood. Deposit it there. Start earning 1.5% APY as long as it sits in the brokerage.
Then set it to automatically dca $1,000 per week into any dividend generating ETF like HDV or VIG. Have the dividends reinvested automatically too.
Just put it in index funds for a 10% return. Yeah recessions happen but recoveries also happen, and you're better off investing now than waiting for some white whale post-2008 discount on stocks. If you've got a job with consistent income, you could also buy a rental property.
>Yeah recessions happen but recoveries also happen
It took 15 years for the Nasdaq to recover from the 2000 top
It took 30 years for the Nikkei to recover from 1991
yeah well the dollar is gay. so there
>It took 15 years for the Nasdaq to recover from the 2000 top
Depends where you got in. If you were fully invested before 1997, it was hardly catastrophic. If you bought the top....yeah. That sucked.
USO and UNG are your friend, my friend
Define risk. Every day you run the risk of dying a useless husk. You also run the risk of never putting your money into pursuits your passionate about, or that elevate your community in some way. Further, the world is about to collapse and global food shortages are on the way. If you want to minimize your risk of mortality, legacy and nihilism, get into farming and do it fast.
put it into a savings account
it will grow, eventually.
Government bonds?
the nikkei NEVER made a new ATH
in fact it was actively in a bear market for almost 15 years
>volatile tech market and Japanese market
Now try the S&P 500.
This is a lame boomer as fuck portfolio but as close to risk free as you can get for a portfolio with positive REAL YIELD
Start shrimp farming
they’re launching a new L1 and it’s basically known now that any L1 launch is a pump
im expecting at least a 50x pump
Have sex with chuds?
good thing we're not at an ATH then
The s&p 500 is down by over 20% all time high. So the best time to invest is now.
U want the honest truth? Buy new iPhones at launch for let’s say $1099 and sell to me for 1250/ea first day…I do this every year like clockwork, I turn around and buy a ticket to dubai and Amman Jordan, sell 75% in dubai and sell the other 25% in Amman. My return is $250/phone after expenses. Sumtimes I get lucky and get $400/phone.
Kek nice one
for low risk probably lunc since ifs guaranteed to jump up by some in the new few days or even moonshot.