How to STAKE for newfags >download terra station on your phone >create a new wallet >go to settings and switch network to classic >withdraw your LUNC from the exchange (you do not need a memo to withdraw! memos are only for sending to exchange!) >once you receive your coins go to stake screen >choose a validator and delegate to them >withdrawal of rewards can be done anytime, unstaking takes 21 days to unlock your coins
Quads say TFL will respond. Merging code and accelerate the burn process.
Jason Peterson
Honestly I'm starting to lose faith on this. Nobody is talking about the burn and it's supposed to happen in a few days. I'm even doubting it will actually happen. The magic is wearing off and the price is dropping. The volume has crashed a 70%. Don't know, man...
Jose Jenkins
The big mystery is how that wallet continued accumulating LUNC while trading was halted during software update after the fork vote.
Who's talking about LUNC outside biz? 1B volume and it's only discussed on biz? COME ON. It's obvious it's all bot trading, user. I honestly regret buying this. We're going to burn our fingers.
hey guys, I want to thank you for letting me know the truth on making it with lunc. I do hope with our gainz we can help our world. remember $1 lunc is fud.
>The magic is wearing off and the price is dropping. The volume has crashed a 70%. Don't know, man... If you had been holding since May you would know this has happened like four times already.
Jackson Jones
Get ready to slurp some cheaperinos boyos
Angel Edwards
Stop being greedy, you had months to accumulate at much better prices
Benjamin Diaz
weak low-t tranny hands typed this, ngmi bro
Nathan Rivera
I regret staking my 1 mill lunc, do I have time to wait out the 21 days to EOM or have I fucked myself?
Brayden Ross
Weakest fake "oh I'm genuine" fud I've seen in a long while.
Josiah Lewis
It's crazy how this one thread is filled with future millionaires.. $1 IS FUD