I'm pretty sure Link is in accummullation phase, it pretty much can't go any lower.
I'm pretty sure Link is in accummullation phase, it pretty much can't go any lower
It's only cope if I'm wrong, which I'm not.
You know what? I've changed my mind, YOU are coping.
You replied to a bullish Link thread with FUD, this is the very definition of COPE.
who is this cave man?
you stink, linkchud
John Jones, a fellow Link Marine
Seethe harder manlet
I had a hilarious dream about LINK last night (I own none, but see it shilled on Any Forums all the time). In the dream, I was watching a football game at the stadium of my alma mater with some friends. There was a sort of pregame show going on with short speeches, musical acts, etc before the game. Well, they had this total sperglord come on to the stage to shill LINK. He starts nervously yammering about Link before the crowd of 80k or so. I turn to my buddy and said "sperg alert!" to much laughter.
After 45 seconds the poor kid runs out of steam, and the college-kid host of the pregame show asks his lady friend assistant to help so-and-so off the stage, and please give a round of applause. The girl grabs his hand and starts walking him off the stage. My buddy sarcastically quipped "wow that girl is practically letting him give her a massage." I said "hey don't laugh, at least he's making progress." The dream ended with us doubled over laughing at the Link-sperg.
Not sure what it means, I don't have a stellar crypto track record.
fuckin based
It can go as low as 4$, maybe even 2. You better pray china doesnt invade taiwan.
The funny thing is that I myself am a massive sperg, but I learned to blend in with Chad and Stacey through a process I call "updating my algorithm."
A man who would do anything to taste the sweet delicious taste of NuttyPutty candy bars
Token is not needed, price target is sub $1
alma fuck your mater, just say university you pretentious shit
I said alma mater because it was fewer words than "the college I went to." How'd you like my dream though? It was a funny dream for sure, but has had me wondering all day if maybe that poor stammering autist in the dream isn't right, and all of us bros laughing at him are going to miss out? My gut tells me Link is trash and going nowhere.
true. it's down 86% already, only 14% of more dump but not certain
>can't go any lower.
The ultimate cuck post. You sir havent been laid in 5 years, have you?
i bet btc goes to 10k or worse in-between now and the next 6 months. I will accumulate then