Sergey is a benevolent actor

And you would do well to listen to his advice.

Probiotics can play a huge role in curing depression.
Most people have heard of serotonin and dopamine, but what most people don't know is that around 90% of serotonin and 50% of dopamine is made in the digestive tract. Fermenting your own food is extremely easy, and the only way to get the most living probiotics into your system. Supplements and pasteurized products at the store lack sufficient amounts of bacteria.

Kefir basics

Kefir has the most probiotics of any fermented food

Probiotics and mood

Kefir vs. anti-depressants

Gut-brain axis


Fix your autism

Buy Kefir grains
Avoid "starter grains," only buy live and active cultures
Search Amazon or etsy (you only need 1tsp) kefir grains&ref=sr_gallery-1-2&frs=1&pop=1&organic_search_click=1

Forget grocery store kefir, it's pasteurized and dead, you won't get the probiotic serotonin benefits. It's extremely easy to make and the only way to get the real thing, besides farmer's markets, which are expensive. You throw some grains in a cup of milk and leave it out for a day, repeat. 1 trillion probiotics per cup, literally 1000x kombucha, it's insane, feels like drugs.

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Jannies pls leave this up, we help each other around here. A good business man needs to optimize his health and productive output in the name of making sweet financial gains.

OP still doesn’t realize he’s in a once pumped dime a dozen shitcoin so he’s still investing energy into posting about it.

My mother used to make kefir, but not in milk, just water i think

New age hippy health bullshit

Sorry but this forever, I'm afraid Kefir won't help you.

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Kefirchads are literally unstoppable.

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based sergey

Raw milk is Better

Water kefir is great too. Different kind of grain, turns out like Kombucha but easier and better for you.
>calling ancient wisdom new age hippy bullshit
Based. What kind of milk do you use? I've settled on Whole Foods organic, since I make so much it gets expensive to use local raw.

OMG! This food, like, literally saved my life!

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>ancient wisdom
Of shitskins
We used to drink raw milk

Fucking retard detected. Kefir comes from the Caucasus mountains, white skinned farmers. You are so incredibly dull.
Tell me, how did you keep your raw milk preserved after one day? Without fermenting it? You're a white nigger.

op is a liar
here is the post

Store bought kefir is just made with packaged powdered kefir culture. It is a completely different product and shit. DRINK REAL KEFIR. make it with raw milk like a real Chad.

sirgay of nazareth

Just do carnivore diet retard

And since you're so incredibly ignorant I will point out that is the origin of the word "Caucasian." At least we know how fucking stupid racists really are.

if you guys think kefir is good, you are gonna shit your pants when you find out about making your own L. Reuteri yogurt. its a strain of bacteria that all animals have and all humans USED to have, but now 96% of people dont have it because of glyphosate and antibacterial scams in modern society. order the L. Reuteri probiotic and make yogurt from it and heres a FEW of the benefits

>Smoothing of skin wrinkles due to an explosion of dermal collagen
>Accelerated healing, cutting healing time in almost half
>Reduced appetite, the so-called “anorexigenic” effect—food still tastes good, but you are almost completely indifferent to temptation
>Increased testosterone in men
>Increased libido
>Preservation of bone density—Obtaining L. reuteri is one of the most important steps you can take to prevent osteoporosis
>Deeper sleep—though this benefit is enjoyed by less than 20% of people
Increased empathy and desire for connectedness with other people
>Probiotic effects that may include prevention of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, SIBO

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you are thinking of jenkem, user