Imagine holding I SEE PEE
Imagine holding I SEE PEE
Buying at current price is literally an once in a lifetime opportunity
>W-what is this a hecking chudjak?!!!!! You know that Any Forums is the financial arm of Any Forums so why are you posting something like this in my hecking safe space?
I'm going to be rich in 5 years from my peas. Literally expecting a 300x.
>Buying at current price is literally an once in a lifetime opportunity
i doubt anyone actually bought. there is a obvious team put in place to promote it though. all poor jeets probably, paid with i see pee
It was funny watching the new cryptoleaks garbage crash and burn. Dfinity really has no idea what they're doing.
it is really baffeling that there are people on biz that dont understand marketcap, i am an icepee bull but more than 10x is gambling
I remember when ICP launched I was warning anons not to buy it because presale price was 3 cents per ICP
Shockingly, some user holders apparently werent aware of it
i really be slurping some icy pee
> What is exponential growth
> What is crypto
user, I think you're the one into crypto to gamble
Daily reminder ICP is a VC pump and dump scam coin.
Any Forums was healthier in May 2021 when everyone here was mercilessly roasting ICP with fallen boomer pics and laughing at the two or three suckers who actually bought it.
this. a 10x next run is enough for me.
ICP is the ultimate midwit trap.
Retards don't buy it because they don't understand it.
And smart people won't touch this VC dumpfest with a ten foot pole.
moonman was literally pol personified though he literally only drew in the dumbest and most mouth breathing polbrains
a better midwit trap would be link
>prioritizing flipping NFT's, fudding ICP to surpress the price, over the welfare of the ecosystem.
>ICP NFT general threads are never fudded.
The thing with Moonman and why so many anons fell for it, is they probably come from other boards that have somewhat of an actual community and "good anons" that like to help and chat with others
They came on Any Forums and werent aware it's every man for himself and everyone is a lying dishonest scumbags (such as the people currently pushing LUNC and saying it will reach $1)
it’s hard to believe that the icpchads telegram used to have alpha
newfaggots joining ruined it
i have several people who i want kicked from the group that would reduce 90% of the garbage posts and make it readable again