Good morning Sirs!
How's your week end?
I am close to ending my life.

Attached: 1641953104027.png (1487x1037, 1.92M)

Good morning sirs. Tell me what's wrong sir.

Sold all my binance staking rewards for all 2021 and 2022 for lunc.

>10k bag holder.

i hear good friend rashit that gart token is be are go to moon soon sir.. and so for that rason no need for sad sir

this is the deddest looking coin ive ever seen.
why are you holding this? (genuine question)

Attached: grt.png (898x207, 13.87K)

B... Blughle of Glorfchenk...

Remember back in early 2021 when Yaniv said that GRT was a utility token and not something speculators should buy to get rich? Remember when anons right here on Any Forums tried to tell you this and you decided to call them FUDing pajeets?

I remember

bald jew name Tranniv tricked me

He literally told you not to buy GRT if your objective was to make money, lmao

>Doom posting
>Still stable at 10 cents
Call me back when we're at a penny and I can buy a million for 10k.

Sir whats the point of that sir buying a token that is not needed cannot be redeemed and been doomping more than a year?

>do not buy this token goy
You bet your ass I'm going to sell my children to buy the token

A mansion in Los Angeles may taste sour
To a Candyman who comes to devour
The Turkish scum residing therein
Will piss and cum as his brains are beat in

Hi Sam

I sold all 100k, there are way better plays than this garbage

40 EOY r-r-r-right guys?

Attached: 1644601063278.png (500x391, 142.03K)

i read through all grt threads in search of hopium and see none anymore. here earlier was the user who counted the possibilities of the passive income but i have not seen those in ages either.. i am starting to despair and need some thermonuclear powered hopium already. anons of the math, i summon thee to give it to us!

When everyone is crying and FUD is all around now is the time to be buying friend. Look deep inside and remember why you bought GRT in the first place.
We will have another bull Run in a few years and GRT will pump with the others.
I'll be there with you to sell those gains.

Assumed conditions:
> Continued 20% monthly growth rate in daily queries
> Current reported datapoint of 1 billion daily queries
> Price per query = $0.00001 (recently quoted at $0.00017-0.000017, but will use somewhere in the middle)

Factors not taken into consideration:
> Completion of indexing of other chains (ie, queries from Solana, Near, Polkadot, etc.)
> Mainnet integration
> Mainstream adoption of dapps
> Creation of and indexing of new layer 1 networks
> Indexing of non-blockchain real-world data

Predicted data in 1 year (rounded to 1 decimal):
Daily query volume: 8.9 billion daily queries
Daily query revenue: $89,161 daily revenue
Monthly query volume: 267 billion monthly queries
Monthly query revenue: $2.7 million monthly revenue
Yearly query volume: 3.2 trillion yearly queries
Yearly query revenue: $32 million yearly revenue

Predicted data in 5 years (rounded to 1 decimal):
Daily query volume: 56.3 quadrillion daily queries
Daily query revenue: $563 million daily revenue
Monthly query volume: 1.7 quintillion monthly queries1
Monthly query revenue: $16.9 trillion monthly revenue
Yearly query volume: 20.3 quintillion yearly queries
Yearly query revenue: $202 trillion yearly revenue

Predicted data in 10 years (rounded to 1 decimal):
Daily query volume: 3.2 sextillion daily queries
Daily query revenue: $31.8 quadrillion daily revenue
Monthly query volume: 95.3 sextillion monthly queries
Monthly query revenue: $952 quadrillion monthly revenue
Yearly query volume: 1.1 septillion yearly queries
Yearly query revenue: $11.4 quintillion yearly revenue

With exponential growth of # of queries maintained at the pace of 20% increase MoM (current level) and that market would regulate the APY at 10%,
after 4Y (48 months) GRT price would hike upto 650$.

i keep on buying every month and now my aim is 20k gurtsies. it's a small stack but i hope will be something in the end. i will buy until end of year. hope to see you with the gains in the end!
thank you!

Fuck my life Sirs it really is fucking over

What part of
>it's over
Is hard to understand?