Cope n Seethe mumus

Cope n Seethe mumus

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>> longs go up
>> that means.. price must go down!!!
absolute newbie.

where do they even get these kind of info? isnt this really sensitive for the exchange?

You can literally find the source with a google search. I hope you are a bot.

what a smugging fuck you are im not gonna even tell you where you are being a dumbass at

stop discussing about source, boring, just google BTCUSDLONGS
I want to see people coping and seething like the fist commenter

buying during a massive crash and institutional forced selling with added panic selling is somehow bearish
wake me up when the next 3ac systematic contagion triggers a liquidation cascade

Explain this to me like I'm a just above room temperature IQ neet that wants to learn.

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longs are up, but what's your point? Shorts would skyrocket if we were really going down. I'm bearish, but this chart isn't.

>he doesnt know
cheg de bolume

Someone explain this to me like my special ed teacher used to. wtf does this chart really mean?

I too want to know what autists on the internet read from these tea leaves. ENTERTAIN ME TA FAGS

Imagine posting in a business and finance board without knowing what longs/shorts are


Attached: image_2022-09-04_134404596.png (428x410, 139.92K)

imagine being mean to special ed people on Any Forums and this chart has looked like this for weeks and its dumped. explain that fag

>he doesn't know about the long squeeze

what's a long squeeze

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>bitfinex whales are long
unironically bullish

This is probably bullish just because it's bitfinex and they've been known in the past to be a leading indicator on direction. IIRC bitfinex shorts spiked really high at both tops right before a reversal.

OP is referring to a trading strategy centering around the exchanges/whales going against retail traders to force liquidations. Big money players putting $$ into the positive funding rate positions, 10x leverage on a million dollar contract with a +.3% funding rate is an actual money printer for them in short term trades. Theirs no benefit for retail to take a positive funding rate position on $100 because they don't move the market.

It's the price people long on margin expect BTC to hit. We are literally going to 100k soon.

contrary of short squeeze