How do I become rich, so I can quit wageslaving?

Imagine working 40 years of your life for some kiked up company that flies gay pride or Black Criminals Matter flags sometimes.

I'm 26 years old and have worked for 3 years, but it isn't for me. I want to quit wageslaving for a government that wants to destroy its people.

How do I do that?
>Crypto: I only have 20 € in BTC, because poorfag
>Silver: dont know about that
>NFTs : dont know jackshit either

How do I do it?

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>muh kikes
Take your meds

user, you're going to have to work and invest over time. It takes a while. Now isn't a bad time to accumulate, depending on how much you make you can potentially retire by 2030 if you get a few big crypto bull runs. This probably isn't what you want to hear but you're going to have to work, especially if you plan on starting a family. If there was an easy way out with money for a dinner date we'd have all done it already.

fuck off kike
Got it

you will always be poor

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> have worked for 3 years, but it isn't for me

you will wageslave until you die, eat the bugs and love it

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1. Buy low, sell high.
$1k x 10 = $10k

2. Buy low, sell high.
$10k x 10 = $100k

3. Buy low, sell high.
$100k x 10 = $1m

Save and scramble like a mother fucker for that first 100k

Keep your eyes peeled for the "next big thing". If we were smart and gotten in early on NFTs, could have made bank.

you will always be a hooknosed fag
I'd rather be dead

>How do I become rich, so I can quit wageslaving

>noooooooooooooo but I must get x1000 and in max 3 years,o-ok?
ok, enjoy staying poor

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Just go work for the government

My plan is to develop a super niche set of skills and do independent consulting. Cybersecurity for crypto/blockchain firms. I’m following the money, because those firms lose $100m in the blink of an eye, all the time. I plan on charging $500/h, discounted down to $250/h for the first year in exchange for public testimonials

Stop wasting your money, and buy SS coin, to prevented Jews from taking over the world.

>>Crypto: I only have 20 € in BTC, because poorfag
>>Silver: dont know about that
>>NFTs : dont know jackshit either

26 years old, and all of this is what you can come up with, with your low IQ brain.

Stocks get shit on a bit on this board, because everyone on here is mentally retarded and trades virtual turds like crapto. - not saying money cant be made here.

But the big difference is this. Stocks are something you at least can come up with ideas on. You can make insane returns if you look at the right areas. And you can consistently make money, rather than these crypto-losers that constatntly shill some worthless coin which happens to be the next pump and dump.

Trading stocks, and following trends is what makes you wealthy and buys you that freedom. Not dogshit crypto.

>inb4 really upset loudly breathing weeabo cryptofags

You all suck, youre all retards, you dont make any money with very few exceptions and you know im right.

There is still Qanx that will give greater ROI jeet. All hope is not lost

>>Crypto: I only have 20 € in BTC, because poorfag
>>Silver: dont know about that
>>NFTs : dont know jackshit either

that is EXACTLY the way to succeed. But remember to first get a job and continue the above (accumulate BTC, only)

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I already work but not for the gov

i wageslaved for 4 years and bought bitcoin every 2 weeks and now I have a nice half million dollar stack.

BTC is the only crypto I feel comfortable accumulating at the moment. Am I playing it too safe? Which alts are you accumulating fren, you seem rational

Post quantum cryptography projects are safe investments user. That's my niche atm

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