dude just study computer science and learn all known algorithms in existence and all data structures regardless of how obscure they are just learn calculus i ii iii iiii and linear algebra i ii iii and all of statistics and topology and abstract algebra and number theory and cryptography and dynamic systems and all optimization techniques programming paradigms concurrent programming distributed computing theory of computation compilers operating systems then graphs graphics and graphixxx artificial intelligence .net core postgres sqlserver mysql sqlthis sqlthat mongodb nosql(haha) spring boot angular react vue nest.js node.js niggers.js jsp javascript es5 es6 es7 c c++ c# f# d haskell scala ada elixir ruby and ruby on rails clojure java 7 java 11 go rust bash python then intern at fagman it's easy just do all that while working two shifts at mcdonalds beucase your parents kicked you out of the house at 18 after that you can just wageslave for 55 years in the code mines dealing with office politics and being fed progressive propaganda and then invest all the pennies you earn just so you have a slight chance at finally being at peace with yourself if you invest perfectly that is and don't get caught in rugpull after rugpull haha bro if your parents could buy a house at 25 so can you at 75! just wageslave for 50 years and max out your 401k and work 12 hour days 6 days a week and 3 jobs and engage in lifelong learning and get professional certifications at your own expense and leave everyone you know behind every 2 years to take a job across the country and don't visit a doctor and don't take a day off sick and never make any statement that a coworker might find offensive and be tall and handsome and confident and exercise and eat health to be able to provide better labor for longer and take resume writing classes and keep your linkedin profile updated and network just persevere bro let's gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Dude just wageslave for 50 years and die lmao
What's the point in living? Post covid world is horrendous. I wanna go back
if ur gunna spam a thread daily at least make it interesting retard
fuck you
best part is that even if you do that you only earn like double of some retard shoverling shit from the mcdonalds floor and then you get a higher tax bracket so you earn like 50% more than him
and he's not in debt and started working years before you started
No, I wont
This is only the case if you're retarded and constantly do what society does, I made a good life for myself by working a shit-tier job and just saving 90% of my money and avoiding all forms of debt and then investing, sucks to suck I guess.
Computer science isn’t that hard and most graduates are retarded. You don’t have to learn even 50% of that.
this thread again. at least learn how to greentext you faggot
>he thought its supposed to be a greentext
its me saying it, faggot
Yo! you postin dis shit 7 days straight. Go outsice and suck some mo dicks, nigga
Suck mah dick then, sissy boy
We know you need daily attention. But you'll get more if you dress like a sissy boy you are and start sucking dicks.
So start suckin dem and you won't have to cry for attention in this board again
you're the one replying with weird shit, you projecting faggot
>you projecting faggot
A faggot calling other people a faggot? LOL You're the one projecting here, dicksucka