I have never been so bored by btc's price action

I have never been so bored by btc's price action

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hope you stay bored when it keeps dumping
its superfluous garbage, ETH is taking it out


lmao even
but its true

same it's killing me make threads about $200 dumps and I am completely desensitized. I want multiple $1000 swings in a day and no I can't use leverage in my jewed country.

>t. got lolcowed into bagholding
>t. didn‘t sell

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a few months ago in may we were crabbing at 30k for a month, where were you? kek

two more weeks

the next couple of hours are unironically critical for bitcoin.

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wait till monday 9:30 jew york time for a pump to 20300

you must be new here lol
you must be new here lol

feels like 2018.
one more drop until eoy
then people go from bored to quit
then we can recover again slowly

right up to the 3k dump people were already bored shitless. boredom comes first, then dump next. expect continued crab

you must have been here for some years but failed to graduate to ETH maxi by virtue of 1) low IQ and 2) blockchain illiteracy
t. here since 2016, no Bitcoin since 2017

nah just waiting to buy
doesn't matter if you're a bear or a bull this is super boring

same so bored I want to buy shitcoins.

entire thing is waiting on cardano's vasil hardfork at this point. the only other event in the space is a definite sell the news

Can it really be that easy

The longer it crabs, the more rich you will eventually be.
Keep acoomulating.
Buy $CHZ for moon.

>implying BTChads care about what a shitcoin like ADA is doing