Is joining a fraternity a good decision financially speaking
Is joining a fraternity a good decision financially speaking
Since it's primarily for networking purposes, it depends on your career path. I'd say in most cases you'll never see financial returns from it.
it's a great decision for normal people
but I hope you enjoy "ironic" homosexuality
this is a photo of a sorority.
and yes most high net worth individuals were in fraternities
Fraternities are for weak people who can't make friends on their own or get women on their own. They do have great parties, but I used to just make friends with frat fags and go to their parties, drink their booze, and fuck their sorority skanks without having to do all the gay shit that goes along with joining.
Only in you go to an Ivy League school
yeah... Have fun being the most borderline gay you'll ever be in your life. They're great for networking, which will help in the long run, but that entry to that network's got a price.
Just rent a house and meet a girl in one of your classes. Fornicating with a bunch of whores is over rated and left me feeling dirty, used, and empty. Should have married one of the good ones.
Bitch slapped a frat boy once who was being a dick to my smaller Hispanic friend. Had the whole frat up in arms but still scared to rush me. Jumped in crazy Arab friend's car and he gassed it full speed into a whole crowd of them. Fortunately for them they scattered, cuz he was lit like 9/11. Don't fuck with Saudis. They are crazy AF. He later crashed the car into my parents neighbors' yard, lost a wheel and just abandoned it. Didn't give a fuck. He had a new one the next week. And if he had killed someone he would have just bailed and been back in Saudi Arabia the next day buying a cheetah and taking shits on strippers
She has psychopathic eyes
>Fraternities are for weak people who can't make friends on their own or get women on their own
where do you think you are? you're not wrong but your advice is so bad. yes, joining a frat is a good decision, it seems expensive but trust me the money to pussy ratio is the best you will EVER get do not let people talk you out of it.
Not really, but you'll get laid enough to no longer care about financial minmaxxing
No. It is a waste on membership fees and the entire culture sucks. Your "connections" will not meaningfully boster your career. Really stupid waste of money. The entire social dynamic is built around the idea of being either popular in highschool and afraid to fade to the background or so unpopular you have lived in the background your whole life (while wishing otherwise) and having no idea how to not fade into static nonexistence in college or optimally secure yourself as popular (finally). It is pseudo-gay and the whole mood is one of completely vapid interaction feigned as deep permanent connection (which is built on literally nothing but insecurity) and really stupid bro jokes that aren't even innate expressions, they are just the lowest level of cultural signaling. It is heteronomy posed as actualization. It is so fucking stupid. I did it for the same reasons as you mentioned and felt it out and some of the guys were nice enough but the whole thing was fucking retarded. I paid fees and went to meetings to sit around and talk about shit that sounded like a Tai Lopez seminar which secondarily was literally just an excuse for everyone to feel validated and better than other people. I was able to be "tight" with all the guys and my saying this has 0% to do with me not being accepted in. I maintained friendship with a few for like a week, but again, it was built on nothing, and quit paying dues or showing up without comment to them after a few months. Huge waste of evenings and money and you will literally necessarily have at least 40% of your spare social time/nights committed to going to what ultimately amounts to a modern debutant ball. It is retarded in every way.
t. Was a member of one of the most nationally considered respectable fraternities.
100% this. I fucking hated it and when there were parties which only allowed people who were in fraternities/sororities in I would invite dozens of people and would make multiple trips to the bottom of the driveway to let the pledges know to let them in and that they were with me. During one of these parties, somehow a dozen or so black dudes who didn't even go to the college got in and the head of the fraternity hosting told them they had to leave. The literal biggest black dude I have ever seen in my life (not kidding 6' 10" at least and like 320 lbs. of lean all muscle) punched him out and his friend yelled "sweep" and they all started one punch knocking out at least 6 other of his bros who jumped in. The cops came and my friend who was visiting for the weekend and I ran through thin woods with these girls and came out the otherside. When we did we saw those dudes walking the opposite direction towards us on the sidewalk. I just kept walking and turned my head and was a ways away from them and in no way addressing them but for some retarded fucking reason my friend (5' 8", probably 145 lbs. but fit) went "Dude, nice punch!" and while I was looking away leaned in to shake his hand and I just heard a crack sound and looked over and saw my friend laying literally coffin stiff on the ground. His friend tried to punch me but I moved my head and blocked it and he just clipped my ear, which did hurt but wasn't really that bad. I just said "What the fuck, dude?" and looked at him and the cops pulled up across the street at that moment, so I picked my friend up and walked him to a sorority house we were in the lawn of and knocked and told them what happened and I shit you not they just said "sorrrrrryyy, we can't let boys in" in a way that said they didn't give a fuck but were signaling in a gentile way. I dragged my friend back through the woods to my apartment and he kept repeating the same loop of "So he just hit me, for nothing?!" and I would respond...
"Cool." It was annoying as fuck and literally went on for 4 hours and he had no idea he was doing it. It wasn't just repitition, he got his fucking wits knocked out. I had to stay up through the night to make sure he wasn't fucked and had an award ceremony to be inducted into an honor society the next day, which he went to smoke weed with a friend of ours from our hometown who was in town and seemed scattered and fucked for the remainder of the trip there. Really long true story which seems irrelevant but it gives you an actual insight into the reality of a lot of the aspects of greek culture through account, which can sometimes be more informative than just general description, like I gave you in my earlier post. All around stay away. It will be something you regret at very best and if you didn't regret it, it would mean you let yourself assimilate to become a MLM-type susceptible faggot incapable of having real interests, which is worse than regreting it as a person who is still themselves.
You probably rubbed one out typing this nigger worship cuck shit. Pathetic
yes because many freshman girls are 18, horny and virgins. If youre a chad you can rack many virgins on a one night stand. rich old arabs would pay millions for that experience
If you are interested in playing meaningless musical chair sex with the same perpetually wasted girls the other fraternity brothers are all having sex with (the most insecure popular kids from every highschool in a 200 mile radius with assorted long travelers) then yeah. But it is fucking disgusting the shit you see happen. When people think their belonging to a certain club entitles them to be high-class, their entire sense of dignity-as-a-function-of-self-action goes out the window in literally every context except that which compromises their belonging to the club and having it be publicly viewed as such. I have seen the most disgusting shit you would ever imagine from girls and guys who after graduating are the ones obsessively sculpting their linkedin and posting on their Facebook as a marketing vehicle for their self-brand which literally no one gives a fuck about. Again, heteronomy.
Stage 1. buy shittoken. Stage 2. waste everything. Stage 3. Cry a river on Any Forums. dont be such an asshole. Use Yopi Network!
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You probably rubbed guys out as a pledge. Lol Sorry you joined the weird gay club. I wrote it as a cautionary tale which I actually experienced, not something to hope to experience.
The make you do gay initiations. Pepper your anus.
dat pic
Going to college isn’t even a good financial decision