How did you get a wfh job

>plz help my pleb wagie ass
>currently a bartender
>used to idolize being one
>been one for a few years and while it has its perks I’m completely burnt out for a variety of reasons.

How would I go about getting a wfh job? I don’t have a bachelors and I’m debating on whether I should finish school (two years). What does my resume need to say to get foot in the door?

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Learn to code

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make drinks at home

Feels bar thread?

Create a service called "Virtual Bartender" we're you charge people money and teach them or a group of them how to make drinks as a team building exercise. Private sessions can be treated as "The bartender listens" to normies problems and you give them advice just like a real bartender.

Omg lol that’s actually a pretty good one! Thanks bro, feel free to add more high iq suggestions.

Large corporations that still have some admin/spreadsheet juggling positions in your country. Some support team will also allow you to WFH.
Alternatively learn a skill that can be done remotely - coding is the most obvious but it requires a lot of learning.

Yes, go back to school. Get a technical degree if you have to.

Don't give up and don't let co-workers tear you down, they will if you tell them know you want out of industry and to better yourself. Especially those retarded roasties that have a psych degree and waiting tables. They will get mad and jealous at you for having to take time off for exams and bettering yourself. Living the bar life ain't what it's romanticized as, get out before you get stuck @ 35. It's fine in your twenties but past it is utter failure. You will never find a decent women working behind the stick because they will all think you are alcoholic womanizer.
>t. I was you 5 years ago.

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>retarded roasties that have a psych degree and waiting tables
t. Psych major working a comfy WFH job in their field

They even try to cope by telling themselves they can make $250+ a night. Which is typically

Sup, that's great! Everybody understands that crypto is the future, but have u tried Yopi Network?

>Earn while ya spend crypto in daily transactions
>Pay globally with yopicash through NFC
>No team tokens
>Few big partnerships coming up

open app add postcode add keyword wfh results: 1500 jobs. Close app type OP is a faggot.


Just get your CDL like a man faggit

he means without relevant skilss user

>give up your job making you $40k a year to take the shittiest WFH job making $28k a year
Found the demoralization troon w/horrible advice.

I want to know this too. I have a physics degree and am fairly well-versed in all major programming languages, but I don't have any professional experience. I'm wageslaving as an engraver.

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both this and this

>Thanks bro, like fr.
You summed up my experience to the T and I’m currently in my mid twenties and want to get out before 30. I had my fun with it, cured me of the girl thing and attention validation seeking. Now it’s the opposite, I want it quiet while I work. No distractions and no more coming in on my days off (which recently happened).

What do you do now for work?

>Create a service called "Virtual Bartender"
This isn't a bad idea. Do you think anyone would be interested in watching/tipping a feelsbar-themed vtuber?

Attached: feels.png (600x600, 18.3K)

Been a student (got lucky with amc/crypto/NFTs) but about to work for amazon warehouse as a wagie for few months to try jumping to their cloud side. Had one friend mention he knew someone that got into it and another user here say your chance of hire/transfer inhouse is a free-in.

Gonna give them 6 months and if I get screw'd then I'll just pull out a fat student and finish my degree (3rd yr comp sci atm.)

become a entrepreneur
sell your bartending skills as private bartender for home parties and lounge evenings

you didnt specify if it should be your home you work from

Catering bartenders require you to own hundreds of multiple glassware and most venues require insurance. Not only that but the real money in catering is food, opposite of bar restaurants. Since you can't buy your liquor (and legally store it) and the discount restaurant's get nor have access to their credit. It's also a cut throat industry if you don't know it or know any of the clientele. Like what to charge 80 guests, with that want 3 bars with 5 bartenders, which is retarded. Most retards that I see do it go belly up because they under bid jobs, can't find decent help and actually lose money on gigs. The only successful one near me some some 60 yr old guy that fucked all the catering owners 30 years ago and they give him the bar when the client is a problem.
>t. was a catering captain for high-end events for 3 years before quitting.