Let that sink in
If you had sold the top last year you could be having sex right now
But I did sell and short the top, 7 figs nw still a dateless virgin
that's why I said 'could'
I held to the bottom and had sex last night... With a girl!
Do you watch the YouTuber Boring by any chance?
I didn't invest back then.
Get some paper receipts of your current bank account balance. Spark up conversation with qt. Exchange phone numbers by pulling balance receipt out, as if it's just some random piece of paper in your pocket, write your number on it, and hand it to qt. This is just an idea. I have never tried this because my bank account is tiny and pathetic, like my cock.
Thats an impressive hump ngl.
same but last week. We even held hands bros
I sold 10 eth for £1000
>everywhere I go I get a certain amount of attention from women no matter what I'm doing, what I'm wearing, or if I'm in good shape or bad shape (it's easier when I'm in good shape though)
>still broke as shit
It's not enough to have money. You have to leave your house and be able to maintain a pleasant conversation with people for more than a 30 second interval.
I have 11m and another 4m in property. Handholdless virgin that cant talk to females. Its over. My father's line ends with me.
You can do it user but you need to follow my steps
>acquire normie frens
>go out with them
>they bring along grils
>these grils bring along different grils
>fuck different girls
I thought it was a meme as a 5'7 Any Forums manlet but i've managed to lose my entire khv status last week with this tactic. The girl just spawned next to me and she did not stop talking about random shit while I did not say much. You are the man user, don't forget
>>acquire normie frens
Impossible to do unless you happen to be in a uni/work environment
Man, I know it. Now we all gotta bang OPs mom again.
30 year old virgin wizard here
I made $1.2 million last year and still have never seen a vagina IRL
I didn't have sex the whole bull run. Missed selling the top, held all the way, still holding and just recently started fucking this whore. Not dating just sex.
you know its impossible to be single with that much money unless you're not trying, right? unless you want a girl to love you for you and don't want to flex
they are fucking overrated for gods sake
why are you assuming we arent all having sex right now?
thats why you still have 1.2 lol
you can be happy/sad w/ or w/ out women. its like trading - zoom out the time scales of your lives sometimes retards
I had plenty of sex when I was broke, drunk, and on drugs.
Now I’m doing well financially, sober, and working hard on my own business and haven’t even got a handshake from a girl in 4 years.
I can have sex whenever I want, I dont want it that often though after the accidental kid I am too tired