>sent $8.5k USD to FTX a 6 hours ago
>still hasn't shown up, previous test deposit went through within minutes
How fucked am I? I'm used to fiat deposits showing up quickly on Coinbase Pro, first time I've tried FTX.
Sent $8.5k USD to FTX a 6 hours ago
Other urls found in this thread:
You should be using Coinmetro
How the fuck do you have 8.5k to blow and don't have the intelligence to realize that any amount over an X integer is forced to go through human verification before it's deposited. It doesn't matter if you have a second verifier for your account or other additional security.
You'll be fine.
Unless you're like a criminal or something.
Good. Now you know what tribe to avoid
So why is the limit so fucking low on FTX then?
>trusting kike exchanges
what the hell are you even doing?
Works on my machine. I use FTX international though, not the even more Jewish US version.
cool with with the antisemitism brother
we're all good here
just tryin to make it
>using FTX
there's your problem.
FTX stands for:
F: federated
T: transaction
X: eXchange
think about it
>wait 3 days instead of 1!
FTX is literally the shadiest trading website i've used.
Their user interface was the worst too
but Sam is really cool and plays league just like us!! The Block always write really positively about FTX and omggg they sponsor UP ONLY love love love that podcast!!
i never had deposit issues. SEPA transfers takes a few working days though
theres no good crypto trading platform. FTX is just the least shitty one
not true i once deposited almost 100k to ftx and it went through in minutes
>still hasn't shown up
oh it showed up alright
you should have DCA'd $500/day retard, never give any of these fraud's your whole bag or throw your whole bag in a single transaction. they must negotiate for your crypto's with successful deposits and withdrawals
You're fine, send a support ticket.
t. guy who trades big money on FTX
why do you trust ftx with big money
They're actually pretty good believe it or not, I've been there since launch. A bit illiquid for big money though.
if heard big boy anons say celcius was pretty good right up until april too
pretty sure some people said mtgox was pretty good back in 2011 too
security doesnt matter until it matters a lot and you cant deny that ftx is by far the shadiest big one out there
so can you give a real reason why to sue them over others, compliance issue, interface, api shit market depth or something very unique to your trading strat